Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welcom


Hi everyone,

Today I am doing week three's last weight day which is SH biceps. I am going to tack on a 30 minute run, and later this afternoon when my daughter is at art class add a swim.

Have a great day, I cannot believe I am on week 4. One thing, I have been eating rather heartily and having no problem maintaining my weight loss, so this rotation seems good for that.
I am in week 2 and since I was gone all weekend plus Monday, I fell a little behind...and I do the workouts out of order anyway, so I did MIS & PS back plus CTX kickbox. It wasn't bad and easier to go into after 3 days off than the Monday workout of PS legs plus cardio plus abs! :) still loving this rotation!
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Hey Kellib, I'm on week two, too (to, tutu okay enough) Today was PS shoulders, MIS shoulders, MIS abs (those always kill me) and step portion of MIC (after doing all step warm up) I was fairly pleased with the ps work but I really went too heavy on the MIS overheads and was really cheating (arching my back, I think) I also did not really enjoy the MIC step today. Not sure why...-joy
Hi everyone!

I am on track for week 4 and today I did S&H legs. I think that I should have gone heavier than 50 pounds for the squats, but I did not have any more weight plates downstairs. I think I may try to go heavier on Friday with PS Legs.

It's interesting that we are doing less cardio over the next few days, but it look's like Cathe cranks up the cardio again this weekend.

I have really enjoyed this rotation. I would definitely like to do it again, but I am missing some of the Intensity Series workouts and endurance workouts like PowerHour. I will be interested to see how my body reacts when I go back to some of those.

Hope everyone has a great day! Sandra
Can you really get more than 50# over your head?? WOW. 50 is my absolute limit and i'm really not comfortable doing that...-joy
Hi All!

I'm on track too and did S&H Legs but before that hubby and I went for 30 min. walk/run in the park at 6:30 a.m. (he's trying to get fit, so I'm trying to motivate him). What a great workout!

Talk to you guys tom. and enjoy your workouts!


That is pushing the limits for me too. I have gotten around 55 to 60#'s over my head, but I am very careful. I just have trouble on the squats really feeling it, even with the pre-fatigue (lunges in S&H), so I am just trying to go a tad heavier. I know that I have heard Aquajock talking about the weight vests, so I will have to explore that too, in lieu of killing myself to get the weight over my head! See you later, Sandra
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Hi everyone... I've been faithfully reading your check-ins in "lurk mode," and thank you all for your motivation! I just wanted to say that I can only lift 55# over my head and still feel safe. I recently bought a weight vest (per Aquajock's suggestion!) and LOVE it. I am now doing squats and sit & stands with 65# (20 on the vest and 45 on the barbell) and it REALLY makes a huge difference. I think I could probably go to 70# now. So if you're on the fence, get one! I feel a lot safer, and am getting the weight I need to get a great leg workout.

RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Also - I've had good luck with using dumbells in place of a barbell - I was straining my back with the bar so switched to dumbells. I only go to 25 in each hand but I imagine you could find some that go higher. The weight vest sounds pretty cool though!
RE: Question for Gretzky

What difference have you noticed being able to squat with 65 pounds now that you have the weight vest? I too can manage 50 pounds, but usually do 45 pounds, because it is so hard to lift 50 over my head. Does lifting that heavy make you ultra tight and toned or do you have some bulk? What are your goals for lifting heavy? I'm just curious as I was thinking about getting a weight vest eventually. I love weight training, but I would like to know how your results changed once you started lifting heavier. Thanks, I hope I made sense.
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...


I've been working out with Cathe for years, and while I felt that I was keeping even, I was never getting the look I wanted. I just plain figured out that I wasn't lifting heavy enough. You know how Cathe's legs are "going a mile a minute" on sit & stands? I never got that way. Now with the extra weight, I actually start to feel the fatigue. I'm a size 6, and don't want to really lose any weight... I'm just working on tightening everything up. It's a very slow process, but I can definitely feel a difference. My quads are defined, but not bulky. My legs are actually tired after my workouts now. I've seen great definition in my upper body with this rotation (also lifting a little heavier for upper) and feel that my pants are a little looser since using the heavier weight. I just feel that at some point, you get used to what you're lifting and have to move up to the next level and I couldn't do that at home without the vest. I'm going to be 45 in August, so bone density and functional fitness as I age are things that are important to me (and of course looking better never hurts!) Hope I've at least answered some of your questions!

RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Thanks for your reply Gretzky! You did answer my questions and keep up the great work! Have a good one!
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Hi everyone. Today I did S&H legs and The Firm Lowerbody sculpting. I felt like my hamstrings needed more. For the squats in S&H legs I used my leg press machine and used 155lbs. That seemed to do the trick on wanting to go heavier. I'm not sure if the leg press uses the same muscles as squats, but it felt like it did. As I was doing the Firm lower body sculpting, I thought next time I'm going to use the stability ball on alot of it. kinda like the floorwork in PLB. where you put your heels on the ball and get that killer hamstring thing going on.}(
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Oh! Forgot to ask. Is Punky back from the beach? I haven't seen her around.
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Hey Gretzky!

Thanks for answering those questions and the info. on weight vests. I will certainly think about investing in one. Do you mind sharing where you picked up your weight vest? Thanks, Sandra
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Hi Sandra:

The "vest getting story" is actually pretty funny. I live in NYC, and I went to a local sporting good store called Modell's. It's about 6 blocks from my house. Whoever designed the store decided that it was a good idea to put the clothes upstairs, and all the heavy stuff(weights, etc.) in the basement. So after I hauled the thing (40#) upstairs and plunked it on the check-out counter, the clerk looks me dead in the eye and say, "You're gonna have to carry that home, you know." I told her, "That's the thing about New York. If you can't carry it, don't buy it." (She actually laughed!) Well, I proceeded to carry this thing home and of course encountered a scary bag man (can't stop to rest here), construction (can't stop there) and windy conditions whipping my hair into my eyes and causing tears to stream down my face (can't stop to clear eyes! Must get home with heavy package!) I finally arrived at my house, and promptly decided that my workout for the day was complete. I was exhausted and very proud that I'd carried it home without stopping. I know I couldn't have done that when I was younger! :7 So, all that to say, Modell's. They had about 12 of them which I thought was weird. They must be hot sellers here!
RE: Cathe's June Rotation - Tues-checkin everyone welco...

Hey Gretzky,

That is a really cool story which I can't relate to unfortunately due to the fact that I live in New Orleans. Needless to say, even though I work in a downtown area with high rise buildings (for us), I'm sure it's nothing like NYC. We have a Sport's Authority and an Academy Sports in the area, so I will have to check there! Yes, I would definitely say that you were done with your workout by the time you got home! That was really cute! You made my co-workers wonder what I was laughing at! Thanks Again, Sandra

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