Hi Denise! I'm sorry that you have waited so long for this rotation advice. I see that others have so generously explained to you other helpful suggestions too. Unfortunately I cannot do as many rotation questions as I would like since they are more involved questions. Also, you mention using the firm cardio tapes as part of your rotation however, I cannot give advice on anothers workout video since I am not familiar with their workouts.
As for stretching workouts, I do think that is it good to include a form of a stretching workout once a week for about 30 minutes and also include stetching at the conclusion of all of your daily workouts. The daily stretch workouts should be at least 5 minutes but can continue on for as long as you want them to.
Here are three rotations for you to try. I would try doing them in the order presented and the amount of time stated before switching things around.
Side notes: I listed "cardio of your choice" meaning a 45 to 60 minute cardio activity of your choice (this time includes your warm up and cool down time) that keeps you in your training zone. When I say "Interval Treadmill" workout, that is a 45 minute workout that starts with a 10 minute warm up and then goes right into 8 cycles of 1 minute steady state, 1 minute sprint running, and one minute recovery walk. After the final sprint, you will walk a full 6 minutes and then stretch for 5 minutes. When I say "Steady State Treadmill" workout, I am referring to a 45 to 60 minute workout (this time includes your warm up and cool down in it)in which you stay at one steady challenging pace that keeps you in your training zone.
Also, to lose weight yet keep a lean muscular look, a CLEAN diet is very critical. Generally speaking, starchy foods, junk foods, heavy sauce/gravy foods, high sodium foods, have a tendancy to make the body hold water which can lend itself to a fuller look (but remember every body is different and can be effected by this differently). Try to eat your foods in their most natural state.
ROTATION ONE: Stay on this rotation for three weeks!
Mon: Interval Treadmill Workout
Tues: Slow Heavy Chest/Back
Wed: Cardio Kicks
Thurs: AM Workout...Slow Heavy Tri/Bi
PM Workout...Interval Treadmill Workout
Fri: OFF
Sat: Slow Heavy Legs/Shoulders
Sun: Steady State Treadmill, plus 10 minute ab workout, plus 30 minute stretch workout of your choice.
ROTATION TWO: Stay on this rotation for 8 weeks!
Mon: PS Legs/Abs
Tues: OFF
Wed: AM Workout: PS Back/bi's/abs
PM Workout: Cardio workout of your choice
Thurs: Cardio Kicks, plus 10 minute ab workout
Fri: AM Workout: PS Chest/Should/Tri
PM Workout: (OPTIONAL WORKOUT)Cardio Workout of choice
Sat: Steady State Treadmill workout
Sun: Interval Treadmill workout, plus a 30 minute stretch workout of your choice.
ROTATION THREE: Stay on this rotation for 4 weeks!
Mon: MIS
Tues: Cardio of choice plus a 30 minute stretch workout
Wed: Interval Treadmill workout
Thurs: MIS
Fri: OFF
Sat: AM Workout: POWER HOUR (this would be a perfect workout with this rotation but if you do not have plans on getting it, then just slide the pm workout in at this time or MIS for a third time this week, however that really is not necessary)
PM Workout: Steady State Treadmill workout
Sun: Cardio Kicks, plus a 10 minute ab workout
Good Luck and keep focused