Cathe's Body Building Rotation Question


Has anyone else done the ?

I just finished up STS and have been doing Gym Styles for about 2 weeks now and it's really tough; harder then I remembered. I felt a lot stronger when I finished up STS and had upped the amount I could lift. When I started GS I had to drop down due to the number of reps and how fast it moves (I'm missing the longer rests!) right now it's feeling a little bit harder to get through then Meso 3; has anyone else felt this way?

I wonder if it's because it's a much faster paced/higher rep set of workouts then what I just finished with Meso 3 and/or maybe the change in which muscle groups are combined?
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Hello A sand,

I have not done this rotation yet but I have done STS.

Like you i really would like to hear from anyone who has done it. I am definitely starting it by the end of this years.

Hope more cathletes chime in :):):)
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I did the Body Building Rotation last year.....I really missed the rest during Gym Style too....It didn't, for me, make Meso 3 harder.....but every time I change cycles it was a little harder....then in about a week to two weeks it got easier....remember change is good it makes your body adapt and muscles grow!!!
Hi all - I'm currently doing STS, and trying to decide on whether to turn it into this body building rotation, or whether to pyramid back sown STS.
More variation with the BB rotation, is swaying me towards that. Interseting what you say ASand and Repo.
Has anyone else done the ?

I just finished up STS and have been doing Gym Styles for about 2 weeks now and it's really tough; harder then I remembered. I felt a lot stronger when I finished up STS and had upped the amount I could lift. When I started GS I had to drop down due to the number of reps and how fast it moves (I'm missing the longer rests!) right now it's feeling a little bit harder to get through then Meso 3; has anyone else felt this way?

I wonder if it's because it's a much faster paced/higher rep set of workouts then what I just finished with Meso 3 and/or maybe the change in which muscle groups are combined?
Hi A Sand,

As previously posted, I have done Cathe's body building rotation yet but I have done each program as stand alone.

IMO, dropping the weight down is fine as you would normally lift light for high reps workout. Gym Style has a different muscle group split compared to STS.
Somehow the workout feels different when you change the muscle group split, the frequency of the workout, the reps, the weight load, and the speed. Those are training principles. Constantly changing those principles is what makes the body to adapt, improve and gain result. Change is always good.;)

Plus Gym style is not as structured as sts. Most of us have probably written the weight load without wondering if it's a high reps/endurance, hypertrophy or strength. Decreasing the weight is probably recommended in this case. Now i am thinking of checking my notes for GS. I will definitely check it before starting the cycle hmm;)
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I'm the person Cathe made the rotation for. I have to tell you, it is a fantastic rotation and body building it is! I was so enthused and motivated I kept up with it for almost 9 months. Then, because I wanted more results and instant gratification I didn't respect the workout enough and went way too far with the heavy weight. I learned it is a slow process and one you can't rush. By rushing as I did, I was faced with Tennis Elbow. I believe by doing way too heavy on my biceps.

For almost a year I couldn't exercise the Body Building Rotation. Boy did I learn my lesson! I'm doing Cathe's monthly rotations and waiting until after the new workouts come out so I can get stronger in order to do the Body Building Rotation once again.

I'm putting it out there in case anyone wants to rush. Please don't. It takes time and you will get there. Enjoy the process, it's absolutely fun to see your body change right before your eyes. IT WORKS!

Thankyou for sharing Janie.I'm the impatient sort, so will bear your experience in mind.
Were the results all-over-the -body results, or did you find the rotation skewed to UB or LB? Was it strength or building you achieved, or both?
I'm on STS 6.5months, and just starting to think about where to go afterwards.
Many thanks,
Jaine-I too was like you , rushing to get results when I first started out with kettlebells earlier this summer. I did way too much too fast and too heavy and ended up with tennis elbow. However due to your honesty and info around tennis elbow (and many others here) I knew what I had immediately and stopped all upper body training for a couple of weeks and did some exercises for it. I quickly recovered but I can still feel its there so now always aware of possible overtraining ! Glad you are getting back on track! Chris
Asand, thank you for bringing up your question, I hope this helps a little.

Justine, The results were all over body with strength and building. At such an age had never been that fit before. It was incredible. I'm so ready to get back to it SLOWLY. LOL

Snyderca, You were so lucky to catch the Tennis Elbow before the injury worsen. I thought I had DOM's, but it was a little different. I sure now know what real DOM's feel like. If sometimes you are still feeling Tennis Elbow, I think it would be a good idea to continue with the exercises for it. Just in case.

I also had to decrease the weights when I transitioned from STS to other weighted workouts. I take extra time during the rest periods for Gym Styles (30 sec) and Pyramid, too. I agree that the reps feel too fast if you're lifting the same weight that you used in STS.

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