Cathe's Ab Routines: difficulty ratings? guide?


Is there a thread in which Cathe's ab routines have been scored or rated in the style of the Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts thread?

If not, does anyone have any thoughts about these? And I do realize some are pretty much "traditional" and others have new and interesting twists and variations, plus there's the whole planks factor...
I find BC, ME and C&W abs to be some of Cathe's toughest. I just did BC abs yesterday and it had lots of planks and moves with the medicine ball (although you can use a 8# dumbbell). Lots of oblique work.

I think MM, SJ&P, PUB, and CTX Kickbox ab routines are challenging. Core Max gets harder, not easier, as I do it. All of Cathe's routines, however, can be made tougher with the addition of stability balls, med balls, wrist weights, ankle weights, or a step.
Hmm...I guess I wasn't specifically looking for the toughest ones--I'm thinking more along the lines of which ones can I maybe tackle first, working my way up to tougher and tougher ones? Sometimes I innocently do a workout such as ME, and then SURPRISE--huh? This ab routine is HARD! What happened? Where's my All Step?

Core max sneaks up on you. When you first get it, you think it is easy because there are more breaks in the routines. But as you learn the moves, it gets harder and harder. I have been revolving the 6 routines in it 3 times a week since end of July and I have gotten so much stronger and my abs so much flatter, it is great!

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