cathe's 10LB X-vest?


ok here's the question: why on this vest is $29.95 and $49.99? is this a different vest? can you add/take away wtg. to the vest?

just wondering
It is the same vest, Walmart just offers it at the very best price, and it's not adjustable. If it's in stock at Walmart, and you want it, I would buy it, no one has offered it cheaper than them. That's where I got mine.
With site to store delivery shipping is free. I ordered one Saturday with delivery to my local Walmart and the total was 31.52 with tax. It's supoosed to be at the store for pickup between 3/11 & 3/17. that's a scream'in deal!!!
I picked up my vest today. I plan on doing Disc 1 & Disc 3 (without the bonus leg drills) Sunday. I'll post my thoughts Sunday afternoon.
I have pick up a Gold Gym weighted vest and it is 12 lbs. It is almost identical to Cathe's vest and would like to find out how you liked Cathe's.

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