CATHE, Your role in my life



I submitted a success story and won a few years back but my life has taken so many shifts and turns since that time, I submitted another one. My goal is not to win, but to let you know just how instrumental you have been in my fitness and personal journey. If you get a chance, please read my story. I think you will be touched, and more than that, I want you to know first hand the role you have played in my life.

With gratitude and respect,

(((((((Hugs to you Sherry))))) I just finished reading your success story and I had so many emotions swirl through me as I read it. First, before I say anything else, I want you to know how deeply sorry I am for the loss of your husband. I’m sure you are still emotionally distraught over losing him. I pray that your heart begins to heal with time, acceptance and the fondest memories of him.

Sherry, you are amazing! As I read through your story I kept thinking “wow, this woman is a true inspiration”. With everything that you have been through, cried through, and toughed out, you never threw in the towel. It would have been so easy and understandable for you to do that but you never gave up on yourself and instead reached out to those who love you the most when you felt you needed an extra shoulder to lean on. Once strong again you got back on your feet, got moving and even brought them along with you on your journey to a healthier mind and body. You are not a quitter and I SO admire that. I am so proud of you!!!

(((((And more hugs Sherry)))) Thank you for sharing with me that I’ve been a strong ray of support and light to you through the darkest (and even brightest) of times. I’m deeply touched by this. I always say “we’re in this together” and I look forward to continuing our journey together.

Warm blessings to you Sherry and “I’ll see you next workout”!!!

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