Cathe, your injury...



Since you injured your leg before filming the last batch of workouts, do you ever experience pain in the leg that you had to have surgery on? I just wonder if you have to work through anything (pain wise) to do your daily workouts, because I know I often have pain in my ankle from a lack of flexibility in my calf muscle.

Just curious!

Hi Reese! I find once you have had something surgically repaired it rarely seems to be exactly the same as it was before (but it can come pretty close, thankfully). If I ever feel a twinge, I put in a couple of rest days and ice the area really well. I advise this as opposed to working through pain, since working through pain only exasperates the situation/condition.

Good luck with your ankle/calf. Be sure to take longer warm ups and stretch your calf/ankle thoroughly. If your interested, I find this apparatus to be a gem for stetching tight calves.

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