
Just wanted to let you know I'm on vacation this week. I had an incredible day at Six Flags, a wonderful lobster dinner, and the grand finale happened when I logged on to your site and watched Cicuit Max in it's entirety!! I just recently got a DSL connection and had no problems with your live tv.
I urge everyone to consider upgrading. It is well worth it!!! CIRCUITMAX IS AWESOME!!!!!!! I have never been so inspired in my life. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!!
This video has everything people. Cathe hits EVERY body part, pushes your cardiovascular system to a new level, and keeps it super fun and fresh with quick changes and VERY interesting choreography. I LOVED the kickboxing on the step!!
I am blown away. I really didn't think you could outdo yourself after Bodymax and Intervalmax, but(of course) you have!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

Circuit Max looks AWESOME!!! I didn't get to watch the whole called away...but I just cannot believe how intense, how complete, how FUN this workout looks! The music and set is awesome...and Cathe-you and the crew look FANTASTIC!
I realized when I was called away that I didn't have the 7.0 verson on WMP so I downloaded it, wish I had the option to have DSL in our area (which is the boonies of Iowa), but I didn't care how choppy the picture was-the music was rocking and I got the basic gist of things! HURRY-I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Impatient in Iowa

Hi Brad and Julie!

I'm so glad that you were able to view Circuit Max. Its exciting to hear your feedback. Thank you for your thoughts on the tape. I'm happy that you have both captured the exact intention of this tape...Fun paced intensity, full of variety, and a complete endurance workout. Yahoo
my favorite thing. .

Was that awesome music for the cooldown! I saw CircuitMax in bits and pieces and the whole thing looks awesome, but when it came to the cooldown and that incredibly relaxing music came on, I was entranced. What PERFECT, relaxing cooldown music! And based on what I saw, the cooldown is going to feel REALLY good. . . .

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