cathe- you better pick up June's Fitness issue..........


because you are mentioned several times in an article called I LOVE MY TRAINER. great overall article validating the effectivenss of home workouts!!
RE: cathe- you better pick up June's Fitness issue.......

Yes, I just got done reading this and our own Momma Deb was being interviewed:) I think I recall reading about this interview on the forum awhile ago. Great article!

RE: cathe- you better pick up June's Fitness issue.......

This is a great article! - and oops - I just posted another post about this 'cause I didn't see this one.

~ Ann ~
At 50 you look around and find that people you know who have taken care of themselves via good fitness/nutrition are feeling great and planning their next vacation. The people who have not feel crummy and are planning their next doctor's visit.

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