Cathe workouts for crosstraining to use while training for races


I am trying to find the best workouts Cathe or otherwise to use while training for running races. Usually I will do endurace workouts but nothing I think is specific to improving my overall running. Mostly it has been fill in weight workout of whatever floats my boat that day.I was wondering what are the best workouts that Cathe has out or otherwise to use to lean out my legs as well as improve my running. I have laid off of running for a few months and am beginning to build my base again. I was reading this evening that band work is super good for racing. So I was thinking Gymstyle series and Muscle Max. Any other suggestions from your Cathe library or other instructors whose workouts you find effective.Thanks.

PS- I'm looking to use the best workouts to train right. I'm not looking to go fast just looking to be smart and go without injuries. I do tend to gain weight everytime I begin to train for somthing long which right now I'm not doing. Just building a base. However shooting for a March half and a full in May.
Karen....I use Cathe a lot for cross training. Right now I'm doing Undulating STS while training for a few long and hard races (10 mile HILL run on Nov 14 followed by a Half the following weekend). Cardio-wise, I like to add in her HIIT workouts an Plyo Legs from STS...the plyo work really helps with strength and speed. And strangely enough, I like to add in Low Max here and there when I need low impact cross training (I just did that one yesterday after Saturday's 10 mile long run).

Hope that helps some.
Gayle- I was hoping you would answer. I know you asked this kind of question sort of a while back. I was hoping you may have come up with some type of plan. Lo- max and 10 mile is awesome girl.

Some of my issue is my knee ( under the knee cap itself) . It never hurts when running, but moved the right way during a lunge will set me off. Very strange. Right now after a lay off it is fantastic thanks to lots of yoga but oddly enough still there.
Hey, Karen! I hope the knee issue stays at bay for EVER!!!!!!!!! :) Just take care of it and pay careful attention to it.

I've actually learned a LOT over the last 1-2 years about MY running. I emphasize "MY running" because I got all kinds of feedback from so many helpful people, and it truly was a matter of trial and error. Most recently...I did my first sprint tri last Sunday. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision that I made only 5 weeks out! :eek: But...I immediately started biking and swimming throughout the week for those 5 weeks and you know what? Some aches and pains (more specifically, a hip flexor/groin pain that had been hurting signifcantly for about 5 months) are almost now totally gone. The cross training (of ANY kind) really helps keep those overuse injuries and aches at bay.

GOOD LUCK! Let us know when you pick your next event!!!

OH! And edited to add......oddly enough, my calves are pretty sore today from Low Max yesterday. Go figure.....I run 10 miles Saturday with nothing, yet Low Max makes my calves sore! LOL
congrats on the tri. I have that on my to DO list for sure. I'm thinking that my next race of any lenght will be a Half March 27th. That way I can lose about 15 more pounds before Jan when I need to amp up my running. I'm taking this time Sept- Jan to figure out some stuff and what is working for me. I like when I start to get this way. I get all jazzed about running and new gear and new workout to do my best. Then I just fall off and have to put in all the hard work again. This time I hope I can get the right plan to fend off any injuries and any lack of confidence that curtails me somtimes. Found my shoes that I run with on sale today with a 25%off coupon. Must be in the cards for me. My feet will forever run in Brooks after much trail and error. At least that is one thing about running I know for sure. What shoe fits me like a glove. . Thanks for the advice.

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