Cathe Workout Spreadsheets are now hosted. Thanks Lori!


These are Excel spreadsheets and have been created by punky3333/Lori. Thank you so much for your hard work and effort! Credits to videofitness as well.

There are 15 tabs in the spreadsheet (1 per workout), so you need to scroll left to right to see them all.

Cardio & Weights has not been created yet.

EDIT EDIT EDIT! JODI is punky3333 and created these spreadsheets.

I tried to edit my post but the time allotment had expired. I was so wiped out from IMAX2 and wasn't thinking straight this morning. Jodi sent spreadsheets to myself and Lori and I mixed up the 2 names.

Thank you Jodi!
RE: Cathe Workout Spreadsheets are now hosted. Thanks L...

Thank you so so so much!! I have one quick question though. I don't see any weights listed under the tabs for Muscle Endurance, Lower Body Pyramid, and Upper Body Pyramid. Are the spreadsheets supposed to have the weights Cathe uses listed or are they intended to be blank so as to allow each individual to fill in the weights THEY use?

Thank you in advance!
RE: Cathe Workout Spreadsheets are now hosted. Thanks L...

Oh, and in the other thread, Jodi had said that she DID create a tab for Cardio & Weights, but the file version I opened did not have that new addition. Is there a link somewhere to this updated version? If there isn't, would someone be so kind as to post one once it becomes available?

Thanks again!!
Great!! Thanks for the link!! And a special thanks to everyone who was involved in making these available :7
Still hoping someone can answer the following question:

I don't see any weights listed under the tabs for Muscle Endurance, Lower Body Pyramid, Upper Body Pyramid, and Cardio & Weights. Are the spreadsheets supposed to have the weights CATHE uses listed or are they intended to be blank so as to allow each individual to fill in the weights HE/SHE uses?

Thank you in advance!
>Still hoping someone can answer the following question:
>I don't see any weights listed under the tabs for Muscle
>Endurance, Lower Body Pyramid, Upper Body Pyramid, and Cardio
>& Weights. Are the spreadsheets supposed to have the weights
>CATHE uses listed or are they intended to be blank so as to
>allow each individual to fill in the weights HE/SHE uses?
>Thank you in advance!
Hi There - Most of the spreadsheets are completely blank - they are intended so you can record the weights you used each time you do the workout (and can thus see your progress).

I still have lots I wanted to add to these spreadsheets - I want to add the times to each of the pieces (thanks to the DVD timings people posted here) and fix some of it up, so as I do updates, I'll send the file to Keilan.

If someone has the weights that Cathe uses for each of these, and wants to send them to me, I could record them on each workout beside the name of the exercise if people wanted.

I want to still fancy them up a bit, but I wanted to have something to work with.

The original file I downloaded from Video Fitness (Connie.xls), and just added to it.
RE: Cathe Workout Spreadsheets are now hosted. Thanks L...

Gotcha Jodi. Thanks for clearing that up! I figured that was their purpose (i.e. for the individual to record the weights he/she uses each time he/she does the workout), but I had seen someone ask what weights CATHE uses and someone else respond that spreadsheets were being made that would answer that question, so I just wasn't sure if the version I had opened was supposed to include that information or not.

The features you plan on adding to the spreadsheets sound GREAT!! PLEASE let the rest of us know if there's ANYTHING we can do to help you make these additions. In fact, I think I can direct you to some of that information RIGHT NOW!

Some WONDERFUL people over at the VF Forum have composed EXTENSIVE write-ups of many of the titles in the new Intensity Series. They've included information that may be of value to you such as time and weight breakdowns where the weights refers to what Cathe is using.

Hope this helps! Here are the links:


Source: Colleen at VF (Thanks Colleen!)


BOOT CAMP & MUSCLE ENDURANCE (Note: Currently only the information for Boot Camp is listed, but the information for Muscle Endurance is on the way shortly!)

Here's what has been written up on MUSCLE ENDURANCE so far (abbreviated breakdown -- full breakdown on the way):


leg press #1 [10# plate]
BB squats [40# BB]
deadlifts [35# BB]
DB rows [2x8# DB]
deadrow/clean & press [30# BB]
BB bicep curls [20# BB]

leg press #2 [10# plate]
BB lunges [25# BB]
chest [8# pair DB]
medicine ball [8# ball]
tricep kickbacks [5# pair DB]
overhead triceps [10# plate]

leg press #3 [10# plate]
glute raises
shoulders [8# pair DB]
front/side raises [5# pair DB]
rear delt raises [5# pair DB]
side lateral raises [5# pair DB]

abs [8# med ball]


Source: Suzanne at VF (Thank you Suzanne!)



Source: Mollie at VF (Thank you Mollie!)



Source: Colleen at VF (Thanks Colleen!)
Thank you for sharing this - these are awesome and much better then the chicken scratchings I created for myself!

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