Cathe-Wht is the new address of your gym??


Hi-I am going to be in the phialdelphia area this month---wht is the address of your gym? Is thr a website?? If posible, I would just like to observe one of Cathe's classes?? I hope I can do this..really really want to, or at least look around the gym..its only for a short time...would u pls give me the address?? How far is it from the Philly airport??
Hi R! Here is a direct link to address and directions. If you know exactly where you are going and there is no traffic you can make it to Philly airport in about 27 minutes. But on average I would say 35 to 40 minutes for a newcomer. We don't have a sitting area near the group fitness studios so you wouldn't really be comfortable observing the class. Why not join us? :)
thanks so much Cathe...Yeah may be I will get some change cothes and join u..I will call and make sure beforehand. Thank you so much..

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