cathe what do you eat to keep yuor body in a good shape...


New Member
what is the typical diet do you have during a week, and also what can of exercises I have to do more often to get rid of flaccid skin. flabby skin.
Welcome Ady! In a nutshell.....I eat good wholesome foods loaded with variety of nutrients. I eat lots of complex carbs for energy, lots of protein for muscle recovery, lots of dark greens for fiber, and a mixture of berries and fruits for additional nutritional value and purposes.

To firm your skin do a mixture of cardio and weight workouts 3 to 5 times per week (just two and no more than 3 on the weights and 3 to 5 on the cardio).

Drink water, eat well and sleep well.

Be sure to visit us with questions if you have more. Take Care!

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