Cathe/Weight Watchers Check in 5-9-03


Hey everyone!!

Thank God its friday and i am so excited about the preorder of the new series. But to the subject at hand. I mananged to lose the 2lbs i gained last wk and started Cathe's May rotation. I feel great and am planning to stay on program ALL wknd long and staying active.. Maybe i can wake up Monday not hating myself for being "bad " all wknd. I hope everyone had a good week and a great weigh in .. and if not.. we can't give up .. after all .. we are not in a race to lose this weight .. we can take it slow and easy . thats the best way anyway:+

love to all!
Well, I have to say I'm very disappointed this week. I got my TTOM over with, worked out at the gym THREE times this week, and did a workout at home, and still managed to gain two pounds. I don't know what is up with this. And my eating habits have improved tremendously, along with drinking TONS of water. I'm not giving up though, and hopefully next week will show a loss. I'm almost half tem0pted to start weighing once a month so I don't get discouraged.


P.S. Candy: Congrats on the weightloss!!!
I lost .2 this week, but my leader and I decided I needed to raise my goal a couple of pounds. I was starting to shrink out of 8's and I don't want that. So Thursday I officially started maintenance and am scheduled to be lifetime June 19. Yeah. So I can eat 22-27 points, plus aps.

This week I ran 2 miles, did muscle endurance and swam masters on Sunday, walked 2 miles, swam 300 yards on Monday, ran 2 miles, did cardio and weights on Tuesday, walked 3 miles, swam 3000 yards and did imax1 on Wednesday, ran 2 miles, did bootcamp on Thursday, today I walked 1 mile, biked 30 minutes, and tonight I do masters swim practice. Saturday is a rest day.

Next week I repeat this schedule. But on walk days, I am adding bicycle to get ready for a mini-tri in August.

Glad to see you guys keeping this up! I am back and will be getting back into the groove of things. I am going to start WW next week again...just trying to figure out what day will work best for me. And I am also going to start the workout thang' again. I plan on start a walk/jog rotation and swimming. And I believe I start the Pure Strength series as well. I have about 60 lbs. to loose! Good luck everyone!
Hi guys,
I think the scale is up about 1.5 lbs for me. It is TTOM soo for me, so maybe that has something to do with it. My eating has not been point friendly however so that might have something to do with it. I have exercised 5 times this week so far and plan on exercising today also. I just have to start planning my meals better and not leaving things to chance like I am. Candy: Congrats on your weight loss. Hope everyone has a point friendly week..Phyllis:p
;( Don't feel bad! After last weeks 3 lb weight loss I gained 2 lbs back this week! I have been sick again this past week and missed M-Thurs at work, so I did not exercise this weekx( I had soft ice cream for my sore throat ( I know I should have had yogurt), and I was too tired from my sickness to get to the grocery store for healthy foods so I ate what was around! I will try to get back on track this week. I just got the Slow & Heavy, Pure Strength Series as well as MIS. I plan on trying these workouts starting tonight with S&H.;-)
Hi All!!

Firstly, Dorothy congrats on maintenance!!! I can't wait for that day! If everything goes according to my plan I'll be there in late September or early October.

Count me in on gains this past week--I was up .6--not much but still the wrong direction. Well, I'm retiring the Terminator DVD for a little while--my heels are killing me from all the jumping and long workouts. This week I'll try the following:
S--Boot camp
S--CTX All Step
M--Cardio and Weights
T--Step Jam
W--Pyramid Upper Body

have a great OP week!!
I was unable to weigh in last week. I went today and lost .6 but 2 weeks ago I had lost 5.4 so now I have lost a total of 6 in 3 weeks. I also started running and am up to 10 miles per week. This week I hope to add one more mile. I am going away Thursday for a long weekend so will be unable to weigh in. However this weeks work out will be: Sun. 5 mile run; Mon. MIS; Tues. 3miles; Wed. PH; Thurs. 3 mile. While away I hope the weather will cooperate and I can go bike riding.
Happy Mothers' Day!!!
Enjoy your week.:)
Hello everyone! I did really great on exercise this week, but I'm still not totally following the WW plan. I am trying to maintain so I am allowed a few more points. I will weigh this Friday - at least I am planning too! I am a little nervous about that, although my clothes are fitting great. I go by that more than the scale because I tend to get a little obsessive about what the scale says. I am doing Cathe's May rotation this month(modifying for the tapes I don't have). I will take my rest day tomorrow because I will be up late watching Survivor tonight and I have a LONG day tomorrow. I am taking my students on a field trip to the strawberry farm. After school I have a meeting and later that night I have a PTA meeting. Here is the workout plan this week:
Sunday: Cardio from the Guantlet/Abs from C&W
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: PLB
Wednesay:power Max or one of the Imax's
Thurs: PUB (Back, Biceps, & Abs only)/C&W Time Saver Step
Fri: Step Works
Sat: PUB (Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps)/Abs of choice/5 intervals of Imax 1 or 2
I hope everyone has a great week! I hope no one is discouraged. It sounds like everyone has kept up with a good exercise schedule and that counts for something! Good luck and Happy Mothers Day to all mom's!

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