Cathe videos to make you cut?


What videos from Cathe will shape great muscles, shoulders, triceps, biceps, back, chest and lower body, the fastest? Sould I get Power Hour or the s&l series?
Power Hour and other endurance tapes give me more definition (Body Max, CTX). S&H is awesome, but that one, for me, just made me strong and confident. It did give me defintion around my shoulders and biceps, but I just started a Power Hour rotation and already I am seeing cuts in my back and triceps. Yeah!!! I would suggest Power Hour if you main goal is definition.
But how does that work? I am using a lot heavier weights with PS and S&H (sometimes heavier than Cathe) - why would a high rep workout like Power Hour give me definition? If PS and S&H makes me stronger, that means I build muscle and shouldn't the growing muscle stick out more?

Just wondering.
IMHO, getting cut is ultimately an issue of diet.

I SECOND THAT!!! I know people who don't even work out but have definition simply because there is little fat on their muscles.
I think it has something to do with muscle fibers. Endurance training works your fast twitch muscle fibers. I read somewhere that these show definition, where as strength training works you slow twitch muscle fibers and these show size. I am awful at anatomy and I really don't understand how it works. Sorry! I also agree with the two posts below about being lean in order to show definition. My abs are rock hard. I honestly think I have a six pack, trouble is, I have a 24-pack of fat covering it.
Too bad everything leads back to diet.

I have a six pack, and I have definition in my forearms (you can see every strand) but that's about it.

I don't know what to do. I like to e-a-t. I am way past the time when I thought it was cool to by hungry.
I share your pain regarding the 24-pack of fat. Ever since I had 2 babies all I have is this loose skin. Everyone I ask says only plastic surgery will get rid of it--how depressing.

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