Cathe videos at 54 years old?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-02 AT 01:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe, I'm new here and I have a question about the MIS video. I am 54 years old and I started using Kathy Smith's video, Lift Weights to Lose Weight. I also power walk 3 miles 3 days a week. I want to build muscle and lose some weight (5'3", 140 lbs) and I'm wondering if the MIS video would help me do that faster than the K.S. video, or is MIS too advanced for me. I want to build muscle as fast as possible safely. I would appreciate any help you can give me...thanks, Lynn
You bet!

While I'm not familiar w/ the Kathy Smith video you're using now, I can say that MIS is a perfect choice for anyone that wants to take their weight training to the next level at any age. Cathe's cueing & form tips are terrific. All you have to do is chose a weight that challenges you rather than trying to match Cathe.

You may find the length of MIS too exhausting at first. If so, it's easy to split into shorter workouts while you build your endurance.

As for weight loss, yes, moving to more challenging weight work will help build muscle & rev up your metabolism. So will some cardio x-training & occasional interval work if you're not already doing so. You'll get some great ideas from Cathe & the others on her forums.

Debra - Cathe -Anyone?

I tried Cathe's MIS for the first time this week and boy oh boy I almost fainted. True!

I am still sore from it and (now 2 days) but was planning to do it again tomorrow.

My current goal is to lose fat. I know cardio is one of the best way to go.

My question: Since cardio is ANY movement for 30+ minutes then can I do Cathe's MIS (or PH/BodyMax) 3 times every week with light weights (5LBS or less) to get the cardio effect?

I got more out of the MIS the other day than walking 60 minutes on the treadmill or 30 minutes on the stairmaster.

I tried Cathe's step workout but I just don't enjoy step. I don't know why. I don't like any step workouts! And I have now lost interest in Tae-Bo and Kathy Smith's Kick Boxing video.

Thanks for your answers.

I have Cathe's S&H and Power Hour+ DVD series.
wedding video

Thanks for the input. I just saw a clip from Cathe's wedding video. How does the weight training on that one compare to MIS?
Thanks, Lynn
RE: wedding video

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-02 AT 08:45PM (Est)[/font][p]the weights on Wedding Video are a good basic start to weight training. MIS is more for endurance--but, to answer the original question: yes, you can do MIS at 40, 50, or 60--as Debra suggested, lower the weights--even if it's 5 or 3 pounds!! I mean it!! If you are getting fatigued, it's working for You!! and you will build up quickly. Don't be afraid of MIS. Murph
Lynmill, in my expert opinion, ;) none of these videos are too advanced for anybody--just start with the weight that allows you to complete the tape, using good form, and you'll improve from there. You're a youngster compared to many of the buff ladies on this board. :)

And you might also consider pure strength and slow & heavy.
I started with the wedding video and it was a good introduction but my body didn't change much until I started PS and SH.

I know you asked the question for Cathe, but we all have a hard time resisting jumping in. Hopefully she'll respond too. She's 8.5 months pregnant though...Kath
RE: Debra - Cathe -Anyone?

Hopefully Cathe or another guru can explain why, but while your heart rate elevates during wt work, it's not a cardio workout. Partly because of the fuel (fat vs carbs). Also, you won't get max muscle development if you're hr is high. Frankly it's hard to concentrate on form. There are hybrid workouts like Circuit Max & the leg circuits in BodyMax that are aerobic/wt training but you're not going to get the same muscle development. This may or not fit into your fitness goals.

There are lots of cardio options beyond step & kickboxing. Personally I prefer outdoor cardio. Since our hearts are our most important muscle, we should all find some activity or activities that work the heart & are fun. You may need to keep exploring.

If MIS has brought you to your knees, try splitting it into upper & lower body workouts. Or go lighter than you can in the earlier segments (my shoulders & triceps are toast if I try to use max wt in the earlier segments).

Can you tell I'm on spring break? Way too verbose.


Thank you all for your answers and info!! I can't wait to get some Cathe videos. I love weight training, but I have always used such light weights. My heaviest weights are 8 lbs.

I'm seeing some results now so I want to get a serious weight training video and start increasing my weights. It sounds like Cathe's are the ones. Thanks again, Lynn

Dear Lynmill!

I am 56 1/2 years old and do Cathe's tapes regularly. However, it was a very gradual process to build up to say, a Body Max type workout. I started with the Wedding tape because it really gets you used to Cathe's choreography. I use her strength tapes regularly.

I had my first bone density test done last month. I had only lost .02% of my bone density. Goodness, there are people in my age group who have shrunk a whole inch!!!! I accredit that to lifting weights seriously for the past 8 years.
I hope this is in some way encouraging.

(Iron pumping granny)


I just want to echo other people's testimonies.

MIS is not too advanced for you. I had not seriously lifted weights until two months ago. I had the same video as you --K Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight-- and it wasn't making much change to my definition or strength. I was a total weakling but started with MIS because i figure you could lose a lot of time waiting to be strong enough to do it, or just simply get strong like that through dong it! And I am a great believer in learning through doing so I leaped right in and I am so glad I did.

All I had to begin with were 3, 5 and 8 pound weights but I rapidly had to go out and invest in some 10, 12 and 15 pound weights and my family are buying me a barbell for my birthday too bcause I am making such progress! It doesn't matter if you are lifting less at the start, it's all about learning the exercises, what they do for your body and the correct form. This video does not just target endurance, you will make significant strength gains. Believe me! I have! And one of the best things it has done for me is up my energy levels. So when you carry on with the power walks, you will have more energy and spring in your step, you could try adding interval sprints into your walks and that will burn the fat off even faster.

Once you begin seriously with MIS, twice per week, you will not look back. You are not too old.

Someone said to split up the exercises if you get tired quickly and feel you cannot finish the tape. Another suggestion, after previewing the video one time through, is to do only half the exercises for each muscle group --because Cathe targets each muscle group on each segment with a variety of different exercises-- so that you still maintain the total body workout twice per week. Alternatively, you could do each exercise --this way you ensure that you reach the max amount and variety of muscle fibres-- but only half the reps, take a longer break and then join back into the group for the next exercise.

Gradually you get stronger and move on to a leaner, tighter body!
And wonderful bone density!

Good luck

I have that K.S. video and MIS - Definately get MIS - then on the days that you know you need a weight workout but don't have the time - do the K.S. - after doing MIS you will be amazed how easy this becomes so make sure you use heavy weights!

I started with the K.S. video - MIS will take you to that next step.
When I grow up...

>I am 56 1/2 years old
>and do Cathe's tapes regularly.
>(Iron pumping granny)

You are my hero!
I was 49 when I started with Cathe weight first was MIS, then I went to PS series. I had only worked out at home and at the gym using machines with heavy weights, so these tapes were not a shock. I since have used a few Firm tapes but have not been very satisfied with them. EXCEPT for Standing legs. I also am going to drag out Tough Tape this week to use alternating with Power Hour.

Cathe tapes spoil you for any other!
RE: When I grow up...

>>I am 56 1/2 years old
>>and do Cathe's tapes regularly.
>>(Iron pumping granny)
>You are my hero!


Honey...I can't believe I made a mistake like that. I'm not 56 1/2 yet, I'm only 55 1/2. I think that points out that I'm really not as aware of my age but more aware of how I feel!!! That's really a nice place to be!

Thank you for the nice comment..I'm kinda my hero too (blushing).
I am 59 and started with MIS about few months ago. I started with light weights and a 15# body bar. I am now using 10, 12, 15# dumbells, and a 35# barbell. MIS is great!!! Just pace yourself and adapt as you need to.

You're an inspiration! I bought the MIS tape and I've done it twice. I am so glad I got it because I love it. I'm using 5, 8, and 10 pound dumbells so far. I want to get a barbell now. I can't wait to increase my weights up to the ones you're using. Thanks for answering my post. I will think of you whenever I feel lazy. Lynn
>I am 59 and started with
>MIS about few months ago.
> I started with light
>weights and a 15# body
>bar. I am now
>using 10, 12, 15# dumbells,
>and a 35# barbell.
>MIS is great!!! Just
>pace yourself and adapt as
>you need to.

59? Wow, I have a new role model. We are living proof that we are not our Grandmother's 59! My Granny at 59 was a tightly permed white haired little lady shaped like a fire hydrant. I loved her dearly but what a difference in the generations.

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