Cathe total body workout


What is your favorite Cathe total body workout? I have PP/SS, MIS, and Power Hour - and I'm not really in love with any of these, so I am trying to decide if I should buy ME or Muscle Max, or both?
I personally have never liked total body workouts UNTIL Hardcore's Muscle Max. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one!! Its a must have! Kathy:D
I just did MM about an hour ago, and am I shaky! It is a great workout! I love ME, and have to admit i don't think I could live without either! :7 MM is more strenght building and ME is more endurance. If you are only choosing one I guess it depends on what your goals are! If you can get both, do so. You will not be sorry!
I think I would go with MM if I HAD to choose, but I like them all for various reasons and for the variety. Good luck! If you asked me tomorrow I might say ME and BC. If you want two workouts on one DVD go for ME/BC. There are awesome premixes on here as well!
I personally love ME!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Isn't that funny. ME is my least favorite total body workout. I don't find it as challenging as MM or PH. My favorites are in this order:

CTX Upper body split/LL
Power Hour

I love PUB/PLB also but this workout is in a class by itself, IMHO.
It sounds like you are just not in love with total body workouts.

Perhaps it is time for you to get away from that format and try more intense weight training such as the Gym Styles offer?

Think about exactly why you do not feel motivated by the total body w/o's you already have, and ask yourself what your goals are and what style of training you want to do. If you have never done split workouts (i.e. chest and back one day, shoulders, tris and bis another, legs & glutes another) before, now may be the time to expriment. You never know what you might like until you try it, and you clearly do not like total body w/os!

Thanks Clare - and everyone else. I have mainly done split workouts lately. I do have the Gym Styles, Slow & Heavy and my favorite is rotating PUB w/ Legs & Glutes. I am just looking for a new total body to mix things up. I have stuck w/ full body workouts for a while in the past, I just get bored them easily. Honestly, my favorite rotation ever is the PUB & L&G, but I don't want to repeat the same workouts constantly.
PH, MM, MIS, ME, in that order.

I hope you give PH a chance. I got the first cuts in my arms from that workout.


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