Cathe Starter Video


New Member
I need some assistance in choosing a Cathe F video for my evergrowing video library. But first a little about me.

I am 39, in reasonably good shape, working out approximately 4 to 5 days a week in the gym. I participate regularly in spinning, kickboxing and walking. Ocassionally a Body Step class. Unfortunately I have reached a weight loss plateau so I have been doing some exercising at home using a bike and some light sculpting and yoga videos. Then, a really strange thing happened, upon impulse I bought a cheapie step at Kmart and I got the stepping at home bug! In a effort to lose the last ten and firm up, I am hoping someone can recommend a CF video that incorporates some kickboxing, step and light weights (I do not have a barbell), preferably under 70 minutes in length. Also I have limited space in my livingroom, so please keep that in mind.

Hi SidneyH,
Most people tend to recommend Cathe's Wedding Video as an introduction to her style, which has one hour of step and one hour of body conditioning, so you get a great bang for your buck.
However, from your description of your needs/fitness level, I would recommend the Circuit Max workout. I believe there are 6(?) step intervals, with a little kickboxing influence thrown in. Each step interval is followed by weighted endurance work intervals (ie, lunges, squats combined with upper body movements). I think Cathe & team use a barbell for some of the weight intervals, but dumbells can be easily substituted.
There are also some pushups and plank work thrown in at the end, which makes a really well-rounded circuit workout. The impact is high in places, but can be easily modified if this is an issue for you.
If you can afford it, the CTX series would also suit your needs. The set consists of 5 intense 30 min cardio workouts, followed by weighted endurance/strength training for a different upper body part each day (ie, back one day, chest the next, etc, etc). The 6th workout is aimed solely at the legs, and is generally regarded as a killer!!
Hope this helps!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Yes CTX is definetely worth it - it has cardio and weights. Sounds like you like variety (my favorites for that are power circuit and 10-10-10 - high/lo - step - and kickbox and weights)

If you just want one tape and want variety - I'd recommend circuit max - LOVE it - and it has everything you want.

Personally I dont like pure step - so perhaps my bias is coming through to much - cardio kicks is great too - but it doesnt have weights- There are great weight tapes once you get hooked on cathe tapes!!

I'd also recommend both the Wedding video, which you'd use as two separate workouts since each are about 45-60 minutes in length and, definitely Circuit Max which consists of 6 circuits. Each circuit is 5 minutes of cardio followed by 2 minutes of compound toning moves, ie. squats while doing bicep curls. There are 2 step circuits, 2 hi/lo and 2 kickboxing though if I remember correctly the kickbox circuit uses the step as well. It's one of Cathe's most intense workouts in my opinion.


P.S. For an intense non-Cathe kickbox workout that involves little floor space I'd check out the Powerstrike Millenium series at Cathe's Cardio Kicks is great, but needs a bit of floor space.

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