Hi there! Congratulations!!! I am 4 months pregnant and am planning on doing STS when I receive it. I stopped doing any cardio and just continued lifting during weeks 4-10 because I was SO tired. Really, really, really tired. Apparently when your body is forming the placenta you get narcolepsy or something.
Anyway, once my energy came back around week 10, I started working out again like crazy. My doctor cleared me b/c of how active I was before pregnancy. I think that is the big key...have you worked out before pregnancy. If so, I think you are good to go. This is just my opinion and make sure and check with your doc. I feel great and LOVE working out pregnant. LOVE IT! Listen to your body first and foremost but I think STS should be fine.
I have a blog that I am keeping that's ABOUT working out and eating right while preggers. You are more than welcome to check it out:
I think Cathe worked out during her pregnancies...