Cathe / SNM - can we have a "Music Off" option


I know there is already a music thread, but just wondering if you can consider this. I'm not sure if there are additional costs involved (I'm sure probably so) but if it's do-able, I would love to have a "music off" option. For serious weight lifting, I love to crank up my own tunes. Something about led zeppelin and chest presses really gets me excited about working out. Anyway, I am sure you will pick fantastic music but it's nice to have options. Thanks.
RE: Cathe / SNM - can we have a

We do plan on having a “music off, or a “vocals only” as we like to call it option with all of the STS workouts. As always we reserve the right to change our minds about this if necessary for technical reasons, but currently we do plan on doing this.

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