Cathe/SNM, are you guys OK?????


susan p

Hi, I have been hearing about the flooding in New Jersey. . . it's looking pretty awful on the news. . . I immediately wondered how you guys are!! Are you near the flooding? I'm not familiar enough with New Jersey geography to have a clue. Please check in with us, you know we worry!!
We're fine!

Really hasn't rained much here and I don't think Glassboro has ever flooded...but thanks for thinking of us.
Hi Susan!

Great hearing from you. I was up in North Jersey visiting family. They sure had serious amounts of rain. I managed to escape the major flood areas but it is definitely much more serious up here than in South Jersey. Thanks for your concern.

Visions of the new videos floating away just crossed my mind
Glad everyone is staying high and dry! But really all we cared about were those videos
(hee hee)

I hadn't even THOUGHT of that. Oh what an awful idea!!! Can you imagine the delay? I'm in my THR just thinking about it. Whew!

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