Cathe Rotation Challenge

What a TOUGH week!!!! We were on vacation, and I felt like everything should be on vacation. I have been following the Body For Life eating plan, and I took my free day on Weds., and boy, the weekend was tough. I made it though, completed all my workouts, and today started week 3 of The Tank Top Rotation. I did not weigh because it is a few days before TTOTM, and every morning I woke up, I was bloated. Probably will not weigh next Sunday either, but the next week. I see people on here weigh at that time, and I just can not do it. I am so cranky, and emoitional, if it goes up, it will p$%* me off, and I will eat. I am feeling weepy already, and it is not supposed to come until Friday. So, I made it, and I am happy. Best of luck to everyone this week.
Hi Lori! Sorry your feeling bummed out but your on vacation!!:) Everything will be all right, just keep at the rotation. You'll feel better about yourself soon and weight will start to come off. Just keep at it. I've gotten amazing results from this rotation and will be sorry to put it rest for 3 weeks. I'm starting my 6th week and its a hot one here in NY! Today 91! But I keep at it (lifting that is). Had another great week. Took off on Fri. as I was too tired to do anything. On Sat. I finished up the rotation w/Power Circuit the entire tape. Whew what a toughie! Forgot how tough it is! Have a great week everyone! Kathy
Congrats on making it through the weekend and still eating clean. I held a pan of brownies in my hand on Sunday and only had 1. This is huge, I usually eat the whole pan. I haven't started BFL, but I am writing down everything I eat. This is week 3 of TTA and I love it! Hope everyone else had a great week. Have fun!
Heading into week 3 feeling awesome about the rotation. I made a commitment to myself when I started that I would do at least 15 minutes of any days tape if I felt too tired or was "too busy" to get the workout done. Yesterday was the first day I felt "too tired" to do it. Sunday has rolled around to be day one of the rotation for me. So, at 7:20 I threw in PS-BBA, determined to get through at least 15 minutes. Ok, I blew off the warmup completely -- I know bad me -- I ended up doing the entire workout & I managed to increase my weights on the bar for my back & curls. I also increased my weight for the first set of concentration curls! I quit after that. Didn't do PS-CST because it was getting so late. I just didn't want to chance not being able to sleep.

I know it's only been 2 weeks, but I feel like I can see a change in my arms. A very nice change. Wishful thinking? Maybe. Who cares! I see it even if no one else does! Go ahead, call me delusional.

Tonight is "Meaner Legs" for me. I'm determined that even if it means doing the reps with no weight I am going to do every rep! Wish me luck!

Take care everyone!

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