Cathe - question about your changing . . .


physique. I was doing Stepfit today, and I was so interested in how much your physique has changed since then. You've always been completely beautiful and fit to me *I know this sounds like brown-nosing, but I really mean it!*, but your most recent workouts show you have gained a lot of definition in your muscles since your old days of StepFit, Powermax and so forth. My question is, what do you think has contributed to your change in physique?

Thanks so much!
Great question & comment, I was wondering the same thing. The other day I needed just a little extra at the end of my workout and I pulled out the first video I got of Cathe's (All Step that was included with a Reebok step) after doing Coremax and I noticed right off the huge difference in Cathe's appearance as well as Rhonda & Brenda. I am looking to take my physique to the next level and I am getting frustrated with all the workouts that are available for beginners only and I am not sure what DVDs of Cathe's I should go with, there are so many to choose from!

My guess would be that Cathe and Crew engage in a very focused pre-production training regime that would perhaps incorporate lazer like precision with "clean eating" or AKA a "cutting diet" coupled with some very intense weight training, rest and recovery.

You also cannot forget that 20 years ago, Cathe had spent fewer years of her life exercising. You can't get a physique like that overnight, or even in a year, most likely!

I've been working out consistently for about 4 years now, and it has only been in the past few months that I have realized muscles really can take YEARS to look like I want them to.

Keep at it!! :)
Hi Chrissy! Thank you, how kind! That's an easy one :) ....more weight training! In my earlier workouts I did MUCH more cardio and MUCH less weight training then I do now. I also think that over the many years my muscles have matured while my body fat has dropped thus making my physique more visible. I also make the time to eat better now (6 smaller healthy meals throughout the day, extra water, and more rest between workouts). Take Care!
Thanks so much for your reply, Cathe. Keep up the great work that you do! *Again, not brown-nosing, you're just a fitness inspiration to me!*

me too!!! (hoping for maturing muscles) However, I will say that I have NEVER seen changes in my body like I have with Cathe workouts. No kidding! I have been working out for 12 years too and the last two with Cathe have been the most productive. Wish I had discovered her long ago - at least I have her now :)
I've been working out since 1987 (weights and cardio) but my physique improved the fastest and most dramatically after I started working out with Cathe about four years ago. I also think it takes several years for muscles to "mature." My diet is pretty healthy (everything in moderation) but by no means squeaky clean.:)

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