Cathe question about aging and joints...


Active Member
Jane Fonda has been in the news recently and for years she worked out. She is now in need of a hip replacement and a knee replacement. I don't consider myself "old" (I am 51 and still do all the jumping around that you do). It hurts to run on pavement though. Any way my question is do you think that it is inevitable that all of us that do step and kick boxing will wear out our joints sooner than people that are sedentary or do low impact activity?

I'm not Cathe, of course but I felt inclined to make a comment about Jane Fonda's fitness.

In her interview with 60 minitues which aired last Sunday, Jane admitted she was bulemic into her forties. I wonder if her bulemia contributed to her aging joints. If your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, I would think that would cause premature aging of the body. Although she does look great, doesn't she?

It will be interesting to hear Cathe's comments but I just wanted to share this information with you in case you hadn't read her new book or saw her on this interview.
I am not Cathe either, but I believe that Jane also said that her conditions were hereditary - and genetics plays a HUGE role in what you're "destined" for, more so than your lifestyle and exercise habits. And the bulimia thing is huge too - that just wreaks havoc on your bones, muscles, joints, internal organs, etc. I read somewhere that current research supports the theory that regular exercise actually reduces the chances of having osteoarthritis and other debilitating conditions. Of course, I don't know whether they were talking about low-impact or any-impact or what. But it would be interesting to get Cathe's thoughts on this.
Hi Valjane! I sure hope that our joints don't give out especially since I LOVE kickboxing. I think we need to protect our joints as much as possible so we can keep exercising well into the future. What I found to help my joints (I'm 51 too) is to have proper sneakers. The new ones today especially have special "gels" or "springs" on the entire bottom (they're running shoes) are great shock absorbers. Also there's special "cushions" that can be inserted into the shoes. I plan on doing IMAX 3 for quite a while & we have to save our joints at all costs.

I think though that as I age (probably by 70) other types of exercising will come into play depending on my joints. Power walking, biking, swimming, golf, pilates and yoga will probably come more into play. I hope to still weight train into my 70s but again only time will tell. Great question. Kathy:D
FYI, Jane Fonda was on Larry King Live last week and said that her need for a hip replacement is hereditary - osteoarthritis. She said that she had been exercising up until she had problems with her hip. She said the first thing she asked her doctor was if her problem was caused by her workout. The doctor said ABSOLUTELY NOT - that it was hereditary.
That is a very interesting question and I would also love to hear what Cathe has to say about it.
I am only 35 (be 36 next month) and I have noticed for the past year or so that my left knee hurts me. Recently, it bothered me so much that I had to get a knee brace hoping it would help while doing cardio. It just felt like a pull in my knee cap whenever I walked. I started thinking the same things that you have mentioned. Hopefully we'll get some feedback.:)

Okay, now I saw an interview with Jane Fonda several years ago and not only did she admit to having an eating disorder and saying that is what kept her thin, she said she never worked out because she didn't have time to be bothered with it. The interviewer then asked her about her exercise videos and she laughed saying anyone could make an exercise video. So, she told all of America she was a fraud and didn't care one iota what people thought of her.

So, between her eating disorder and her lack of exercising, and genetics...that is why she is in the medical situation she is in now. I think we only need to look at Jack LaLane to see that staying in shape through exercise, weight training and healthy diet will take us very far.
I don't think Jane is necessarily a fraud - she might have been very serious about exericise when she made those videos - she own a workout studio didn't she? Maybe her interests just changed.

Here's an article about the subject

It seems sports involving injuries are the ones that predispose a person to OA - also occupation (a job that involves repetitive use of joints), and possibly running 35 or more miles a week. The research on running was mixed

That is, besides genetics.

Weight was also a factor.

Once you start to develop it, however, high impact should be avoided.

I did see Jack LaLaine on FitTV recently -- OMG!!! That guy's amazing! FILLED with energy in his 80's. He is truly an inspiration. He still works out every morning at 5 a.m. He's in fantastic shape! :)

(Edited for a dumb typo)

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