Cathe - Pls make a lower body FLOOR video


Have you ever thought about making an all-floor lower body video? Because of problem knees, I'm having to do more floor work and less standing lower body work. Everytime I do one of my Firms, I think, I sure wish Cathe would put out an all-floor lower body video.

I'll second this request! I love to do floorwork and feel it is effective. Also, I think this is work that can be done by people who may have an injury at a given time and can't put weight on their feet or legs. I'd even settle for 1/2 & 1/2, both standing and lying down.(like PS-Legs) Maybe a little tabletop and a little bridge work thrown in. Sorry, Cathe, I'm sure you feel like you can't even catch your breathe these days. We will be HAPPY with anything you do!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes!

Please, please, please.......

I'm one of those on the injured knee list, and am really depressed about not being able to get in a leg workout, without being able to squat, lunge, dip....

Please Cathe - I know I'm begging!!!!!!
RE: Yes!

Totally agree. I thought of this last night as I fell doing the static lunges for about the 100th time and nearly performed an involuntary lobotomy on myself with the barbell (broken toe). I love floor work and I especially love the floor work in PS Legs. There is no good all floor work tape on the market in my opinion. This is a niche which can definitely be filled.
I also would love to have a lower body floor work out. I will never be able to do squats or lunges again. I take certain segments from various tapes and do floor work, I would love to have a Cathe floor work out.
Cathe's Rock Bottoms

For those of you who have this really old 30-minute Cathe tape, just a reminder that the floor work for abductors/adductors and glutes/hams at the end of this tape is really very good, especially when you use a moderate to heavy ankle weight (as Cathe and her cast are doing). The abductor/adductor work is especially good. I drag this tape out periodically to tack on this floor work to another leg workout, and I am always amazed at how much of a burn I get from it. I don't do the first 15-20 minutes or so of the tape -- it's standing leg work using a step and I don't find it challenging after using Cathe's more current killer leg tapes.

If you don't have this tape, they turn up from time to time on eBay and on's auction site. I got mine from a seller on Amazon for under $10, it was in great condition and I had it within days. Painless.

Fair warning -- there's a whole lotta whooping going on in "Rock Bottoms", not just from the cast but from Cathe too. Some real wolf yowlin'. :) Takes a bit of getting used to but it's worth enduring, IMHO! [FONT C OLOR=Blue]Kathy S.[/FONT]
RE: Cathe's Rock Bottoms

Until Cathe makes a floor legs video :) here are a few that fry me every time (not including Pure Strength Legs):

- Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout floor section
- Firm Volume 1 and 2 floor sections
- Buns of Steel 3. Yeah, it's old but effective.


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