Cathe PLease Please tell us ...

I don't understand why people insist on asking poor Cathe what she eats. If she has any secrets, other than eating clean, (which I don't think she does), she ain't tellin! Give it a rest already. x(

I agree with you, Marcia - although Cathe's always very gracious when answering questions like these (including dietary habits and personal measurements) I think they're a bit over the top and somewhat intrusive. Let's just focus on how she's able to continually come with such creative and effective workouts!

Annette Q. Aquajock
When she does answer the question, she always says she just eats a variety of foods that are clean, and doesn't use supplements.
Please remember...

It's also a liability issue, I'm sure. If Cathe were to outline in detail what she eats on a daily basis, and we eat exactly that way, and we gain weight, have a reaction, etc....guess what?? Who is liable? Think about it! Common sense, no? Besides, there is a ton of info out there on proper nutrition. A good place to start: Strong Women Eat Well, by Miriam Nelson. :)


I see nothing wrong with asking Cathe about her diet or measurements. She is a shining example for us all. I too like to know what someone eats, how tall they are, what size, whatever. If you have never met them in person, it gives you the idea of having met them. Cathe has a public side of her image and she deals with it effectively. Please dont make other people feel bad for asking an honest question.

I don't see anything wrong with it either. This is a forum where we come to talk about these kinds of things. Cathe has the choice whether she wants to answer or not. She doesn't answer all the posts so she has the ability to pass this one up as well if it makes her uncomfortable. If we can inquire about her children and family, why can't we ask what her diet is like?? As if we all don't already know by looking at her!!!! As for you Marcia, I don't know what would make you think Cathe does not eat clean. I GAURANTEE when she has to film a new video she has to diet down to some extent. I am sure they want her to look her absolute best, just like a fitness competitor. I think Madonna was fine in asking and she will have to understand if Cathe does not wish to respond. That is it!!

Don't feel bad, VeggieQueen. You just asked what everyone always wonders and it's a legitimate question imo, whether you get the specifics you're looking for or not. This is usually a friendly place so please don't let it bother you. This made me feel bad for you all day and I just had to come out of lurkdom to give you some support, but I'm glad to see you can take care of yourself, hehe. ;-)

Back to lurkdom now.....
I tried to stay out of this but I just want to say that I THINK Veggiequeen is new around here and doesn't know Cathe's feelings on posting about her diet. I truly think it was an honest question. I know I have often wondered and wish I knew exactly what Cathe eats myself. (Okay, I gave myself up!;-)) I just don't want to see anyone's feeling hurt over such a small thing. Cathe does have the option on which posts she decides to respond to and I know in the past she has always responded very kindly about her education not being in the nutrition field and I think that satisfies the poster. There have been times she has posted that she TRIES to eat "clean" most of the time. Someone ask her one time what "clean" means. If I remember right, she used an apple pie, applesauce and an apple as each one being "cleaner" then the first. I guess I just don't want to discourage any of us from posting when we have a question that is curious to us. Okay, I'll shut-up now. (This is not intended toward anyone in particular, just trying to smooth things out a bit! :))

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Veggiequeen:This is my first time posting and I think you got a bum rap for asking a question that alot of people wonder about.I am a new Cathe fan and I have made alot of changes in my physique since doing her videos.Diet is a big part of the picture and any feedback she can give us would be great.I just hope some of the attitudes of the postees lighten up.
How can anybody agree with that. She bit her head off just for asking a question most of us would love to know. I think somebody owes her a big apology. Are you 2 really gonna tell me the same question has never crossed your mind? Those of us who have been around already know she wont answer, but veggiequeen didnt know or i'm sure she wouldnt have bothered to ask. After all, who wants a bunch of grumpy women jumping down thier throats?

I guess i'll have to think long and hard before i ask CATHE another question, somebody like you 2 ladies might decide to answer for her and bite my head off.
:( Tracy
As a personal trainer, Cathe cannot give specific advise to nutritional questions. She can recommend stuff like the food pyramid, but cannot prescribe diets.

That's just an FYI.
And, Marcia, I think you should be forgiven, for maybe having a bad moment. Please remember everyone, that we all have our moments! Wendy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-02 AT 01:59PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi all,
As an infrequent poster and a frequent reader, I feel like Veggiequeen is owed an apology by some regular posters here. It is intimidating for some to post in the first place, and I think Cathe does a great job discerning which questions she will answer and how. Even in the midst of the whole YOGAMAX/videofitness flap, which I thought was a direct attack on her credentials and abilities, she was never anything but gracious and honest. I am sorry veggiequeen that you got anything but the gracious response Cathe would have given you had she been given a chance to respond. She may have offered no response at all, which is certainly more desirable than what you got. It is an honest question, and Cathe would have answered it honestly or not all at. It is her forum, and I think the name she gave it says it all. "Ask CATHE". Sorry again that you were made to feel unwelcome. Janet

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