Cathe-please help me with the 4 day split


how much step is involved with the cardio that has drills? do the step cardios have intervals of lower body? i think i will be able to do step in a few months,but it is possible that i'll have to stop
doing step. i cant decide whether to get the 4 day split because of that.

You can always modify and do the step routine on the floor. You will just have to use bigger movements (ie. larger arm movements) in order to get your heart rate up higher.

Just some thoughts until Cathe chimes in...
Hi Laura, I also have had trouble with doing the step routines in the past. Nothing medical, just chronic clumsiness. However, I found that taking the risers off of the step and just using the platform flat on the floor adds SO much stability that I have fewer problems. The moves I am too clumsy to do, I just substitute less complicated movements to retain my heart rate. Hope this helps! I also am on the fence about whether to buy the new DVDs or not. I wish we could buy them separately!!
yes, i also wish we could buy them separatly.i was going to try to do stepblast with no step!


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