Cathe & P90X Rotation


Just wondered if anyone has come up with a Combo of Cathe and P90X rotation. IMHO I feel P90X doesn't hit the lower body as well as Cathe, but when I would only add in say Leaner Legs, PLB or any other Cathe lower body I felt I wasn't doing enough Cathe (Obviously for my Cathe Fix :p ) I love both but looked at VF and didn't see anything. Has anyone seen a rotation of this combo??

Hi Sami...I don't have any specific rotation written down but while doing P90X (I am on my 2nd rotation) I add another day usually Tues for a Cathe leg workout, anything but S&H. Also on Monday and Saturday I add a Cathe Shoulder,Bicep and Tricep workout too. Seems to work well for me. As I used to work my legs 3 times a week...I seem to have gotten better results with 1 Cathe and then P90X Legs & Back. For once my legs have actually gotten smaller...:)...hope this helps...Carole
Hi Sami:

I had serious Cathe withdrawals too while doing P90x. What I did to "get my fix" was more Cathe cardio and I blew off most of the P90X cardio. Also, I tried to incorporate some Cathe leg workouts, since I wasn't feeling I got enough w/ P90X. Also, I did the Doubles rotation and did my cardio first in the morning (when I could) then my P90X strength training later in the day).. It was tough and I think I pushed myself a bit too hard into the overtraining zone.

Monday: CTX Kickboxing(or moderate 30 minute Walk) AM
P90X Upper Body (whatever one is in the week you are in PM

Tues: Circuit Max (used very heavy weight and did none of the upper body movements in this workout, making it a total lower body circuit workout)

Wed: CTX 10/10/10, or run for 30 minutes, or first half of MIC AM
P90X Upper body workout (whichever one for the rotation

Thurs: REST

Friday: first half of KPC, or Cardio Kicks AM
P90x leg and back tape

Saturday/Sunday: I blew off the Yoga and stretch tapes, because I just didn't like the P90x ones and did a long run on one of these days and a moderate Cathe Step tape on the other.

Looking back on what I did, if you feel you need more leg strength training you could do it on Sunday.. Legs and glutes would work nicely instead of doing a step tape like I did.

Hope that helps.. Keep us posted on how your progress goes.

Lynn M.
Sticking closely to the P90X rotatio, you could substitute one of the IMAX's for PlyoX on some weeks. And use KPC or CK instead of Kenpo X.
You could also add in a short (or shortened version of) cardio workout on some weight days. And sub PLB or another lower body workout for Legs and back from time to time.

I once posted a suggestion for a P90X-like rotation using mostly Cathe workouts (except for those that didn't have an equivalent, like yoga). You could probably find it by searching the "Open Forum" for P90X threads.
Hi Sami! I happen to be incorporating both at this time. I decided to do P90X strength training & couple that w/CTX series. Here's what I've been doing:

Sat: P90X all chest exercises rounds 1 & 2 of all the pushups (this is a LOT of pushups!) from Chest/Back DVD + Ab Hits pick whatever segment you wish + CTX Step & Intervals
Sun: P90X all back exercises from Chest/Back DVD rounds 1 & 2 + CTX All Step
Mon: Slow & Heavy Legs + PLB stability ball section + Ab Ripper X
Tues: P90X all shoulder exercises from Shoulders & Arms DVD + warmup & first 5 intervals from IMAX 2
Wed: P90X bicep exercises from Shoulders & Arms DVD + CTX Kickboxing
Thurs: P90X tricep exercises from Shoulders & Arms DVD + another segment from Ab Hits or you can do all abs from KPC, PUB & ME your choice

Next week I'll be incorporating all of the strength training exercises from Chest/Shoulders/Tris & Bis/Back DVDs. Have fun & start to mix things up! Good luck! Kathy:D
Thanks Kathy, Kathryn, Lynn and Carole!

I have mixed KPC for Kempo and Cathe lower body and obviously abs are an easy substitution - ABSX is too much all the time - cause I need variety. Thanks for all the suggestions as I have just presently printed them out. My biggest challenge is that I typically have an only and hour, 5 to 6 days a week and I like to keep one of those days for stretch/yoga.


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