Cathe or SNM


As you might be aware, My first set of BB DVD's were confiscated here in saudi by customs. I re-ordered another set at my expense to go the UK where I will pick then up later. I have emailed [email protected] and [email protected] as I wanted to ask some questions. To date I have had no reply. Let's just say I am a bit frustrated at this as other people on the boards seem to be getting through to you, so where do I reach you to ask a question? I emailed Monday and then again on Tuesday, I know things have been backlogged, but I feel I should be able to contact you too!

We have hundreds of people to still get back to, so please be patient. It will probably not be until this weekend until we're totaly caught up.

So, does that mean that you DEFINITELY will not get your DVD's from customs??? Also, please tell me you didn't have to pay full price for another set??? I am so sorry you have been going thru all this especially while you listen to all of us blib-blab about the new series!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Lynne!

Hey Lynne,

Don't give up home. If you have ordered already orderd your dvds...dont! Cancel them! You hear me...Cancel them!!! lol ... i have the bodyblast set on video as well as DVD, and if you pay the postage, i will ship them off to wherever in the UK you want them to go to. No worries... get back to me if you like the idea? Wayne. xxx

Oh my gosh, what a generous offer! Thank you so much!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Lynne!

Hi Debbie

My DVD's were destroyed apparently. We cannot get through to customs to ask why. They did however send the UPS box with my baseball cap in it which I got Sunday night. It has been hard listening to all the reveiws and I did order another set and yes, I had to pay full price and a heavy customs duty on top of that. Makes these DVD's fall into the $300 mark! My first set are DEFINATELY gone!

Thank you for asking

RE: Lynne!

Hi Wayne

(it is Wayne isn't it?) I remember your name from another thread. I would love to buy your VHS, maybe at a price rather than you giving them away? I was going to buy the VHS from Cathe, but decided I wasn't giving them another bean. I can't cancel my DVD order as the money has already been taken and they arrived yesterday at my mum's, what gives with the heavy duty tax????? my email is [email protected] get back to and we will sort it out.

This is the best news I have had with this escapade, thank you sooooo much for offering your VHS to me, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.

RE: Lynne!

You're welcome. Can you return them and take Wayne up on his offer??? Not sure if he is offering you his DVD's or VHS but what a nice guy!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Lynne!

eh gosh, I don't think I can, SNM only take back defective DVD's, I think Wayne is offering me his VHS, and I will take him up on that offer anyway.



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