I was wondering if you would be able to gelp me out with video selection. I'm 35 and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis this past February. My doctor says I MUST exercise to keep up my health. I'm fairly skinny so I don't need to lose any weight. I do want to improve my strength and do exercises to help with balance and stability, etc. Right now, I don't have any disabilities and want to keep it that way! I do have to watch that I don't flex my neck forward too much but that is about it. I am in total awe of how you look! What would be the best videos for me? I am a little underweight, too, if that makes any difference. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I was wondering about the Slow and Heavy series???
Thank You!!
I was wondering if you would be able to gelp me out with video selection. I'm 35 and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis this past February. My doctor says I MUST exercise to keep up my health. I'm fairly skinny so I don't need to lose any weight. I do want to improve my strength and do exercises to help with balance and stability, etc. Right now, I don't have any disabilities and want to keep it that way! I do have to watch that I don't flex my neck forward too much but that is about it. I am in total awe of how you look! What would be the best videos for me? I am a little underweight, too, if that makes any difference. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I was wondering about the Slow and Heavy series???
Thank You!!