Cathe- Need some advice for mixing up workouts


Cathe and any other memebers who may be able to help me,

I currently work out 6 days a week...cardio 5-6 days, upper body 3 times a week, and legs 1-2 times a week. I am in need a of a change. I ws thinking of running 1-2 days, spinning 1 day, step 1-2 days, eliptical 1 day, and then a day of cross training that may include upper body and legs or a day of interval training. I want to include my upper body splits and my legs,too. any ideas? I hope I am making some sense here.


In all candor, your schedule suggests to me that you are overtraining, and need to factor in at least one more day of rest. I also think that given how leg-intensive your suggested program is, you could benefit from doing your cross-training in a pool with swimming and other zero-impact, total-resistance-around-the-body protocols.


I agree with Annette. THis sounds like you are breathless and rushed. You want to do it all, and do it all in one week. But it's a struggle to fit all that in in one week and still enjoy life!

Why don't you set up a schedule on a two-weekly rather than one-weekly basis? You may feel better with this longer schedule as you will be able to see that over a two week period, you can fit everything in.

It is good to cross train and try different cardio options. 5/6 cardio sessions are not necessarily any more beneficial than 3/4 cardio sessions, however. Try to remember that in fact, less can be more. More can be just....well, more stress, on the mind (as you try to schedule it all in) and on the body (needs more rest!!!) You should aim to train smarter, not longer and more frequently, i.e. include a steady state cardio day (your choice as to what form this takes, an intervals day (again, this could be on the elliptical, treadmil, running fartlek, or step) and a circuit training day (Cathe's Circuit Max, Boot Camp, or Step Jumo and Pump would lend themselves tothis excellently well). More than this your body doesn't need, especially if you are also training your legs twice per week also. They will give out on you or sickness/injury will strike if you insist on 6 gruelling cardio sessions and 2 weight training sessions for the legs. If you still feel the need for a cardio boost on the same day as you train legs intensely with weights, then please make it a low impact workout like Kick, Punch Crunch, a wak, or a short run (no more than 30 minutes) or a workout like the cardio sections from Cathe's CTX set. That will then warm up the muscles for training them, rather than exhaust you repeatedly.

Remember that the whole point about exercise is to release energy for the rest of your daily activities, not leave yourself flat out exhausted every week thinking, "I must do more!"

And if I have totally mis-interpreted you, then I apologize.

Good luck

Thanks so much for the advice, and the suggestions as to how to work out smarter! You made me think, and I did realize I was trying to do too much in such a short time period. Can you help me make out some sort of two week workout schedule? I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Thanks for the reminder that a schedule doesn't have to fit into one week. I'm going through the same problem of trying to fit too much into one week. It makes me constantly feel like I'm neglecting something.

Yes I will, but not today because I have things to grade for my students and kids to take to ice skating classes and the like. My husband is away this w/e and I am Mum, Dad, taxi driver, cook, servant and general dogsbody! But when they are esconced quietly in a corner, I will make out a two week plan that I would love to follow and share it with you, then you can tweak it to suit! Watch this space...


just tell me: do you spin and do elliptical at the gym? Do you use the weight machines there too? Do you have most of Cathe's workouts? Do you have free weights at home? Do you run on treadmill or outside? The reason I aask is so I can know where interval training can be built in,...and where to combine weights and cardio days. Do you like to Kickbox or not?

Thanks again for your time and patience. I have a home gym, which is comparable to a gym...smith machine, leg press, cable crossover, bench, ab incline bench, dumbells, barbells, etc..., treadmill, eliptical and bike at home. I also have most, if not all, of Cathe's workouts. I spin at the gym and kickbox there; the rest is done at home inside now that it is cold. I run outside when the weather permits. Hope this helps. Thanks again!
see no reason why not, unless it was an intense interval workout and your legs feel fatigued, in which case make it an upper body training day.


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