Cathe - need new rotation help!

Michele S

Hi Cathe -

I've been doing a PS rotation (each tape once per week), alternating weight days with high-intensity cardio (mostly step) and doing MIS once a week for the past 12 weeks. If any of this sounds familiar, it's because it's the rotation you gave me! :)I'm ready for a new rotation, especially since I now have (and love, love, love) my DVDs.

I want to start a rotation using all my new stuff and would like to keep my weight days my main priority. Would using the weight portions from the CTX in the same categories as the PS tapes be effective enough to continue to see improvement? And can I continue to use MIS once a week or should I get another all body tape?

I also wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying the Cardio Kicks. It is so much fun and before I know it, the hour's gone and I'm completely soaked! I can't wait to start the others!


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