Cathe, my back is ready...


to start exercising again. The Dr. called after my last appointment and informed me that I had compression of the 12th vertibre, but luckily no fracture!!!!!!!! Just a lot of bruising. I feel like I'm ready to get back on the wagon, but am unsure of how to start. My instinct is to start w/stretching and maybe upper body. I feel like I should wait awhile before using any weight on my shoulders or above my head (like overhead tricep extensions) Can you possibly give me a starting point? Any info. is greatly appreicated. Thankyou so much! Kay
Not Cathe, obviously, but it sounds like you'd be ready for Power Yoga- it incorporates strength and flexibility; I recommend Bryan Kest or Adrienne Reed's Power Yoga DVDs.
Hi Kay. I'm glad to hear your injury is not more serious and you are healing well. Please get the consent from your doctor as to being able to return to exercise. Ask him what your limitations are and I will be happy to help you come up with a plan. Thanks Kay and take care!

to start exercising again. The Dr. called after my last appointment and informed me that I had compression of the 12th vertibre, but luckily no fracture!!!!!!!! Just a lot of bruising. I feel like I'm ready to get back on the wagon, but am unsure of how to start. My instinct is to start w/stretching and maybe upper body. I feel like I should wait awhile before using any weight on my shoulders or above my head (like overhead tricep extensions) Can you possibly give me a starting point? Any info. is greatly appreicated. Thankyou so much! Kay

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