Cathe May Rotation Check in - 5/12/03


Hello All!
How did your week go? What is in your plans for the coming week? Somehow I made it through the week. I'm following the rotation pretty much as it is written. I decided NOT to do a 40 min run/walk because I'm not used to running. So I did a 40 min Christie Taylor Hi/Lo - an old one CIA 7002. For the ABS that day I tried Rodney Yee's Yoga for Abs and that is TOUGH. I did do PS L&A + MIC step portion yesterday and BOY are my legs sore. I managed Power Max today and actually feel a little better. Tomorrow is PS BBA then Step Works then PS CST then REST!!!***Erika, did you add more leg work? ***Gogigi -How are you doing with sticking to it? Did you do the two CTX's back to back? Which did you choose?***Candy - how is it going? ***Nette - I'm curious which terminator workout you chose to replace CM? Those are tough. *** Alexandra - I like the way you worked your weekend run/Cathe cardio into the rotation.*** Hi Erin, Congrats on the inches and pounds lost! Eating clean makes a difference. BUT there is so much tempting JUNK out there!LOL! Oh I hope I remembered everyone...Well I had to edit because as soon as I clicked the post message I realized I had forgotten a Hello to StepEdith!Hello!-joy
Hi Joy:
The week went great and took my rest day on Friday. Saturday I did Boot Camp and because I was exhausted yesterday after being at my 3 nephew's Communions, I took off again. Boy did I feel guilty taking another day off in the week, but I listened to my body and said no big deal, I'll pick up again tomorrow. So today, due to the rain I'll probably not run and do IMAX 2 (a cardio day) and then some ab work. Or I was thinking about doing week 3 this week and then do week 2 next week. I traded one of my Cathe videos (Step N Motion) for PS Back, Biceps and Abs with someone and waiting for the video to arrive so I can do that video in my rotation as is. Do you think it's bad to switch weeks around?
Hi Erin, I don't think it is bad to switch weeks. The rotation as written seems to alternate a light/endurance weight week with a heavy week. If you think that is important, you might switch week 4 with week 2 and do the S&H week now and the PS week later. But I think what is more important is what seems 'right' to you. Let me ask you a question. When I look at week 3 I think I DO NOT want to do Power Circuit one day and Leaner Legs the next. Do you think is okay to switch LL with 10-10-10 and give my legs a day off? -joy
Hi Joy, So instead you'll do the following:
Mon - Power Circuit
Tues - 10-10-10
Wednesday - Leaner Legs
Thurs - All Step
Fri - Kickbox from CTX
Sat - Step & Intervals
I think that sounds good and will do the same, this way you're not working legs too much. Let me know how it goes. - Erin

This is what I'm going to do this week
Mon - Imax 2
Tuesday PS Legs and Abs plus step portion of MIC
Wed - Power Max
Thurs - CTX upper body parts - back/biceps/abs
Fri - Step Works
Sat - CTX upper body parts - chest/shoulder/triceps
sun - off
Hi Joy and Erin,
It sounds like your workout weeks went well. Erin-I don't think it is bad to switch weeks around. This rotation is all about variety anyway.
I followed most of week 1 except the full cardio days I spent at the gym doing some ellipticals and running (I don't have a treadmill at home and the weather was terrible outside).
For week 2 I started with the Bootcamp Bonus because I wanted a little more leg work than last week. I haven't had a chance to do it yet and I was dying to try it. It was fun.
I will do some of my cardio and strength training at the gym. I have index cards with some of Cathe's strength workouts so I take them with me and follow along there. It allows me to substitute a machine or cables-whatever in place of free weights for variety.
Next week for CTX, I agree with both of you. I was also planning to put some time inbetween Power Circuit and Leaner Legs. Too much for me in a row.
Enjoy your week.
Hi everyone! I plan to do the following this week:

Mon:40 min. Run/Walk (did Rhythmic Step instead coz treadmill was acting funning) + ME abs
Tues: PS Legs & Abs + MIC step
Wed: Power Max
Thurs: PS BBA
Fri: Step Works (don't have so I'll do Step Jam)
Sat: PS CST + C&W abs

Joy, I did Viper in place of CM on Saturday. Even if it was only 4 cycles, I was pretty wiped out. I get this way when doing circuit training. Guess I have to do it more often to build up my endurance for circuit training. Also, which workout is comparable to Step Works? Will Step Jam do? I have most of Cathe's except for the real old ones.

Went clothes shopping this weekend and I can fit into an XS top and a size 2/4 pants (let me brag -- I was a size 16/18 last year -- thanks to Cathe!!!)

I also ordered the Blast Series DVDs! Am so excited, more new workouts again!

Enjoy your workouts and talk to you next week. Belated Happy Mother's Day on all the mothers in this check-in.

Hi Nette,
That's amazing! A size 2/4! Keep up the great work! I also ordered the Body Blast Series DVDs for my Mother's Day present. Can't wait for their arrival.
Hello Everyone,

Well, I was sooooo exhaysted this past weekend (stiff joints, my body felt really heavy, low on energy. I actually had to take Sunday off. I really don't think I gave my body enought rest and time to recover. I was so excited about starting the rotation that I started the first week right off the bat w/o taking a day off so I worked out 9 days straight. Not a good experience.

Anyway, this morning was good, I had a tone of energy! Here's what my week looks like:

Monday - PS Legs & MIC (couldn't fit in ABS or the blast at end of MIC)
Tues. - PowerMax
Wed. - Back, Biceps, ABS (I don't own any of the Upper body PS so I'll use CTS upper body sections for this)
Thurs - StepWorks and ABS
Fri. - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Sat. off
Sun. 15-20 minutes of a Cathe Cardio and a 20 - 30 minute run & ABS

Wow, this weeks seems easy compared to last week. What a killer first week that was!

WoW everyone is doing GREAT! :D Yep, I guess I'll separate Power Circuit and Leaner Legs next week. This morning I did PS BBA and it was about 45 " long. Seemed almost like a day off! AND I actually did those negative curls with the same weight as the positive curls and finished ALL of them - first time ever. Erika, I've never done the Bootcamp bonus. I'll have to look at that. There are just som any options with the DVD's. Hey Nette, I think Viper more than equals CM, even if it is only 4 cycles! I can't remember Step Jam too well. Step Works was my first Cathe step and I think it is pretty intense. Is Step Jam the one with the flying angels? That one seems like it gets going pretty good. Well, lets face it NONE are TOO easy...Now Nette I'm really amazed at your size change! Congratulations to you!!! If you don't mind, how tall are you? Hey Alexandra, I know what you mean about needing that day off. Six days on then a rest is my optimal schedule. Sometimes I'll push and extra day or even two if I know I'll be unable to work out because of my schedule. But that is always tough. Have a great week everyone! -joy
Hey all!!

Well, like i said i workout from monday thru saturday and a really good friend got in an auto accident yesterday so i didn't get to work out last night because i was with her in the hospital. She is doing fine though.. Anyway! Today i am gonna tear up ps legs and abs.. i am planning to go heavier than usual. Hope i can walk this time tommorow hehe.. see yall later---

i will check in later in the week:+
Hi Candy, So tell me, how did the PS L&A go? I did that on Sunday and my legs actually feel almost normal today. I had not done that entire workout for a long time, and boy did I feel it. What is 'heavier than normal' for you? I know there was a topic a while back and the range for leg work varied tremendously! Heavy for me on that workout is 45# BB. Once I tried with a 50# barbell but that was too much - especially getting it over my head. Hope you survived! -joy
Hello All,

Well, I pretty much followed the rotation as I posted for the week but I took Friday off instead of Saturday. All in all I felt pretty good this past week compared to week number 1!

Here's what week three looks like for me:

Monday - Off
Tuesday - Leaner Legs
Wednesday - 10*10*10* (no way I'm doing Power Circuit after LL)
Thursday - All Step
Friday - Power Circuit
Saturday - Kickbox
Sunday - Step & Intervals or a 30 minute run with the weight section of Step & Intervals.

How did everyone else do w/week numbe three?


Monday - PS Legs & MIC (couldn't fit in ABS or the blast at end of MIC)
Tues. - PowerMax
Wed. - Back, Biceps, ABS (I don't own any of the Upper body PS so I'll use CTS upper body sections for this)
Thurs - StepWorks and ABS
Fri. - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Sat. off
Sun. 15-20 minutes of a Cathe Cardio and a 20 - 30 minute run & ABS
x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
Oh my...sorry about all the faces. I kept clicking on them but they wouldn't show up where I wanted to place them and then when I posted there they were at the end of the post! How do they work?

Hello Joy and everyone! I must say that I am tweaking the rotation quite a bit! I just can't seem to stay with a particular rotation. Joy, the morning I was going to try to do two CTX cardio's back to back since I do not own MIC was a very bad morning for me. I only made it through one CTX cardio. It was a stressful week and I was very tired that morning. I still want to purchase MIC so I can have the challenge of conquering it!
I won't even go into what I did this week because I tweaked it so much, but I did workout 6 days this week. I used the Pyramids this week because I do not own Pure Strength.
I do own the CTX series, but I do not care for doing the CTX series as is so here is what I plan to do this week:
M: Bootcamp(just did it! - The Pyramids and Imax workouts have helped me a great deal. I was able to go way heavier for the weight work and take shorter recovery periods after the cardios! Cathe is the best!)
T: Step Works
W: Muscle Endurance
Th: Circuit Max
F: Cardio Kicks or an Imax workout
S: Body Max
Have a great week everyone and keep up the great work!
Angela:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
Hi Ladies..
I posted my own question earlier and didn't realize that there was a check-in going on. Is everyone here in week 2? Well,today is my first day.LAst night I sat down and wrote up 4 weeks in a book, to write my eating in and my workouts and the time that I did them.I really need to stay focused.I do alot of mindless eating and when I eat clean and stay focused I see amazing results.I am going to stay between 1200-1500 cals, that usually works good for me if I want to see results.I also took my mearsurements last I know why my pants are so tight.I have gone up 1 inch in the hips, and 1 1/2 in the waist.Since christmas.
So, if you don't mind I would like to join.I know I am one week behind but I don't care.I need some company:7
RE: Cathe May Rotation Check in - 5/12/03 & 5/1...

Hi everybody. :) It looks like this topic can be the new week's check-in too. Good stuff, then I don't lose the continuity of what everyone has done...Alexandra the faces seem to get inserted at the end no matter where you place your cursor, so to get them where you want them automatically you have to put them in as you go. OR you can insert the keyboard strokes at a later time, which you can see if you put your cursor over the little faces. Clear as mud? Sounds like you had a good PS week. Yes, much 'easier' than week 1. I decided to brave it out and do Power Circuit day 1 and LL day 2. Just let me say this. OUCH! My week starts on Saturday so today was 10-10-10. Kinda got the kinks out of my legs (a little)***Hi gogigi. Its okay to tweak and tweak and tweak. I think you have come up with a good substitue for week 3. Do you like to keep your weights separate from your cardio, is that what you don't like about ctx?***Hi Lori YES, join in, please! I know what you mean about the mindless eating...I had such good habits for a while (like a year) and then they sort of slipped away. eroded is more the word... a little at a time. I don't measure because I tend to stretch the tape to get the number I want LOL! One thing that following a rotation does for me is give me focus****I think I will try to modify the title of this topic to add the 5/19/03 so that Erin, Erika, Nette and Candy see it (and anyone else who feels like joining/chiming in. Have a great week! -joy
RE: Cathe May Rotation Check in - 5/12/03 & 5/19/03

Well when I tried to edit the original topic I got a message saying that it was too late to edit, that the time had expired or somehting like that. I hope the others find us!!!-joy
RE: Cathe May Rotation Check in - 5/12/03 & 5/1...

Hi everyone.
I found you. Welcome to Lori. We all need some inspiration and motivation at times. Alexandra, it sounds like your week is going well. Angela, I miss the pyramids. I haven't done them in a while. Yikes Joy! Power Circuit and LL back to back! Ouch is right. How long did it take your legs to recover?
My week with the P.S. Series went well. Instead of doing MIC step after P.S. Legs, I did nothing. My legs are usually too wiped to do cardio after I work them hard. I tacked on cardio to Back/Biceps and Chest/Shoulder/Tri's because I always feel too imbalanced if I only work my upper body and do not have some sort of leg movement in the same workout.
This week I am doing the S&H rotation and will do CTX next week. I am going away for Memorial Day weekend and decided it would be easier to have all my strength training out of the way before I go. I will go for a run while I am away.
Have a great Memorial Day.
RE: Cathe May Rotation Check in - 5/12/03 & 5/19/03

Hi all! Hope everyone had a great workout week last week, coz I sure didn't. I got sick last week and I just got to do 2 workouts (Mon. and Tues.) This week should be better coz I am feeling normal again -- so its a CTX week for me as scheduled.

Have a great week everyone and a Happy Memorial Day to all.

RE: Cathe May Rotation Check in - 5/12/03 & 5/19/03

I guess I will just add to this....b/c the other one has disappeared:)
How is everyones week going? Today is Circuit MAx for me but I load that one to a friend so I may do C&W.I know it isn't the same intensity but same sort of workout.
I did Rythmic Step yesterday and then I went for a 50 min run last night.My eating went good yesterday.Its amazing that you don't have to do something for very long before you start feeling better again.
I may go for a 30 min run tonight when I get off of work.I have to be home to watch American Idol!:7

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