Cathe, Love the PreMixes of each New Workout


Hello Cathe.

The other day, I got curious about the premixes about the new workouts problably because I was doing SJP earlier. I LOVE the way you decided to set them up. For example, on the step DVD, one could do the Lower and then Higher Step cardio portions simutaniously (with lots of stamina). For a long time, I wimped out of the challenge portion of SB so I only did the Step premix but not anymore.

Thank you for posting the premix info. on the Blog, it adds to the anticipation of the delivery of the new workouts.

Have a Great Day! :)
You are very welcome Jennifer. I remember the night(s) that we sat at the conference table in front of the dry erase board (which got very broken in by the way, ha) reviewing the various pre-mix options. It was hard to keep it all straight but your note just made that effort all the more worth it. Thanks :7

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