Cathe - lean mean machine


Hi Cathe! I am directing this question to you (although, anyone else who knows can also respond) because I have seen the transformation your body has gone through since early days.

I have been working out with you for quite some time. I am trying to get as lean currently, my BF = 27% which is healthy but I am working on seeing a 4 pack (if not 6).

My diet is clean (very clean – eat processed carbs and sugars only once per week all the while eating 2000 or less calories on cheat day). I workout 5-7 times per week – at least 4x with you. I make sure I do ab workout at least twice per week because I want to get lean first before I increase the frequency of the ab routine.

I "think" I am doing everything right still no results. So what else should I be doing? I drink plenty of water (3-5 liters per DAY) and my diet consists of 70% fruits and vegetables and 30% of lean meat most of the time.

I don’t eat any sugars (fruits included) after 4:00 p.m. and eat 1200 – 1500 calories per day 6x week. Day 7 (cheat day) I can eat anything I want as long as caloric intake is between 1500 and 2000.

Your two cents will be much appreciated (PS – my body shape is apple genetically. I altered it into pear by having breast reduction surgery in 1999).

Hi Shaan! Wow, you are working amazingly hard. Great job!

Here are some suggestions:

Try to up your protein to at least 40%. You didn't mention what kind of workouts. Try heavy strength training for upper body (each major msucle group one time per week) and moderate weight for lower body two days a week. Try cardio 4 days for about 45 minute sessions. Try doing one interval cardio session per week as one of your 4 cardios.

This should help! Good Luck, you are amazingly disciplined:7
Hi Cathe! Thanks for the response.

The "discipline" did not come until much later (like mid 2006) but I think I was doing a lot of things wrong nutritionally.

But by 2007 - after a lot of trials and error (weak will power that is) I finally trained my taste buds to enjoy mostly natural foods.

Thanks I will try to up my protein by adding a 2nd shake 2 hrs before bedtime. As for workouts, I have uploaded my rotation for the last 90 days at my website but this month I am doing 4-day split with pilates in between each.

For February then – how does the following rotation sound?

Sunday: 4DS – Workout #1
Monday: Butts and Gutts ( or should I do Legs & Gluets from Body Blast?)
Tuesday: 4DS – Workout #2
Wednesday: Rhythmic Step
Thursday: 4DS – Workout #4
Friday: Butts and Gutts( or should I do Legs & Gluets from Body Blast?)
Saturday: Interval Max

I have skipped Workout #3 from 4DS.

What do you think? Please feel free to change the schedule for me. I have all your workouts except your Gym style and Intensity Series (except pyramid lower and cardio & weights which I have)

Thank you.
how did you finally conquer your problem with eating? This is my problem , I have no problem exercising on a regular basis but I cant seem to get my eating under control and it is hindering my results. thanks!
>how did you finally conquer your problem with eating? This is
>my problem , I have no problem exercising on a regular basis
>but I cant seem to get my eating under control and it is
>hindering my results. thanks!

Get enough protein and you won't FEEL like eating.

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