Cathe (in praise of Low Max)

I just wanted to say, I am loving Low Max! This is a perfect workout for me! The steps are all so fun and the blasts are challenging without being too challenging, or hard on the knees! ~Great job!~ I also like the music alot!! ***(BTW, Cathe, or anyone, can you please tell me what the name of the song in the beginning of interval 3 is-it sounds so familiar, but I can't place it?)*** My favorite interval is #4, then #3, but I like them all! I'm sure I will try the step only premix soon (thanks for that-what a great idea!!!)
****You absolutely MUST do a Low Max 2!!**** :D
My only complaint is that there is no music louder option-the music is very hard to hear.
thanks, Tara :)
Hi Tara! Thank you so much. I'm glad you are enjoying Low Max. I had fun creating it. The name of the song during Interval 3 is "Indingo Girl".
I also have to say how much I loved Low Max. I thought that I wouldn't be happy if you didn't make a high-impact tape, but, boy was I wrong. It's low impact, but it is very challenging. I do second that I'd be looking forward to a Low Max 2 (whenever you're ready, no rush!!!)

Thanks again!!
Another one here that LOVES Low Max. It sure works my body in a different way. And, it has that fun factor too.


I got my dvds 2 days ago and the first one I did was LoMax. I got a great workout and loved it. I liked the last interval best w/ the side kicks b/c it worked me so good. My DH walked in and said "Didn't you want to tell me something?" and I said "Sorry, can't speak right now" He said "New workout from Cathe or old one?" "New one!" He smiled and walked out. ;) /karen
A PERFECT workout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no issues with the sound or the music - in fact I loved the music! My knees love this workout, my cardiovascular system loves this workout, and it's FUN! THANK YOU, CATHE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you had 12 more like this one I'd buy them in a second, sight-unseen.

I thought I would use LowMax for days when I did not feel like doing airborne jumps....Cathe you are killing me!!! LOL The name "Low Max is misleading as it will work you out, esp the legs. LowMax is a terrrrriffic workout. I rate it 3 paper towels. (That is how I rate my how many papertowels I get soak and wet.;-) )

I was doing the "ta da" jumps during the lower intensity section, thinking "I can make this higher impact", I did not know you were going to do the "ta da" jumps for the blast section. LOL

I love the way the premixes are designed in this workout and in ALL the others. There is so very, very many ways to play with this series.

(((((great big hugs for making these workouts.)))))
I didn't think I would like the low impact. In fact, at first I just wanted to leap and jump. But this one is a favorite of mine.

I just want to second that LowMax is awesome!!!. I love the music too. But I do wish there was a music louder option b/c those songs just rock!

This is a really good workout - I liked it so much I'm going to do it again today (yesterday was my first try). It was a nice change from the really high intensity stuff (which I really love), and my joints thanked me for doing it. I was able to do this and MuscleMax on the same day (MM earlier, LM later). I have to get in my pedometer 10,000 steps even on a weekend day.
I thought the low in Low Max was for low intensity, but I see that you meant low as in lower body. My legs and glutes were screaming for mercy.

I meant low impact of course! This workout is definitely not low intensity.
Hi All! I'm thrilled that you are enjoying Low Max. I really had fun designing it. I just sat in my room one day and let my mind go. I decided that doing a little dance, a little athletic, and a little kickbox style choreography in between the "cardio-leg" blasts would get the job done and eliminate boredom too. I'm so happy that the plan appears to have worked :)
Just another fan chiming in in praise of Low Max. Absolutely fun, hard, and easier on my knees. It is a work of genius. I love high impact, but can only do it 1-2 times per week. This workout is so good for my collection.

Thank you for all your hard work in putting this series together.

Bwa ha, I had lots of fun with this one--I did it Saturday.

At first you think "low impact, gonna be a light workout" and then BAM! You're toasted.

I was soaked.

Yes Cathe The plan did work!!:) I can't tell you how impressed I am with the whole series. I love Low Max. Thank-you for all your hard work. We all love you and your tough workouts:) . Helen

I had complete faith in Low Max. I'm in my 50's and knew that if I had too much impact I might hurt my knees, so I ordered Low Max knowing deep down it would be perfect for me. WOW! You and the gang are awesome.

Please make another when you can. Perhaps (I read this somewhere in the forums) "Low Max Extreme."

Janie - I was completely opposite, I had NO faith in Lo Max but knew I HAD to have everything Cathe produced and I LOVE IT !!! Guess it goes back to when Cathe started producing weight productions and I ONLY wanted cardio - and now I'm a more of a weight person than cardio. She is one smart cookie. Gotta love her.

Oh darn it Cathe! I just posted quite a bit and it got lost!!! But I have to tell you how much I loved doing Low Max this morning that I'll attempt to write it again! :)

My UPS man came last night and I knew I had to try Low Max first! I did it this morning and just loved it! I love how Low Max doesn't just mean "low impact" -- it also stands for "lower body" because you used every interval to work the lower body like crazy. I especially liked that one interval where we did all the lifts off each side.

I was 1/2 thinking when I started that I'd need to skip the 7th section because I was a little short on time, but when I got to it, I just had to keep going because the kickboxing looked like so much fun. I loved it so much that I wanted to repeat the step section, but my children were all waking up and I knew that I needed to keep going. And to my delight you used that last kickbox move in the interval -- thanks so much! I loved doing it as a drill!

Thanks for a wonderfully innovative step workout! I have a TON of laundry to fold today (as always ;-) ) and plan to preview the rest of the workouts and not feel a bit of guilt about it! :)
I loved it too. Now, I am just waiting for Low Max 2, Low Max 3. Well, you get the idea.}([/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon

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