Cathe I need help with starting your workouts....Please!


Active Member
Hi Cathe, I just recently purchased the basic step series which is for Beb/int. I use to belong to a gym; I only used the weight machines. The step aerobics is new for me and I am looking forward to trying this. I use to do 3 sets of each exercise for my lower body and 2 sets for my upper body and abs. I never have gotten the results that I had hoped for. Can you recommend how I use all these workouts on the tape for maximum results?

I am on weight watchers and I am in the final 14 pounds to go. I walk 4 to 6 days a week and sometimes I walk/run.

Thank You,


:) :)
Hi Cassandra,

Not Cathe, but thought I would help you out seeing she is on vacation and may not respond. She posted a June rotation with the new DVDs that you may be interested in. It's in the rotation forum, but I have copied what she said below for begginer/intermediate.

Hope this helps, Good luck with your fitness goals.

Cathe's June Rotation:

Hi Everyone! Sorry that I am having to post this so late. This month's rotation will feature a double header: A beg/int rotation and an advanced rotation. They will both incorporate the new workouts. Enjoy!


Mon: Basic Step
Tues: Upper Body and Ab Add On
Wed: Basic Step
Thurs: Lower Body and Ab Add On
Fri: Basic Step
Sat: Upper/Lower/Ab Add Ons
Sun: OFF

Mon: Basic Step/ Upper and Ab Add On
Tues: Lower Body and Ab Add On
Wed: Body Fusion
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Body Fusion
Sat: OFF
Sun: Upper/Lower/Ab Add Ons (optional to follow up with Basic Step)

Mon: Basic Step/Ab Add On
Tues: High Step Circuit(Int)
Wed: OFF
Thurs: High Step Circuit(Int)
Fri: Basic Step/Ab Add On
Sat: Body Fusion
Sun: OFF

Mon: Body Fusion
Tues: Basic Step/Ab Add On
Wed: High Step Circuit(Int)
Thurs: OFF
Fri: High Step Circuit(Int)
Sat: 30 minute moderate run plus Upper/Lower/Ab Add On
Sun: OFF (optional Body Fusion *cardio only* followed by Basic Step)
Hi Cassandra! Congratulations on your weight loss. By now I am sure you started the rotation that Lindzebird posted (thanks Lindzebird). If you have anymore questions, just let me know:)
Thank you so much for the reply. I am very excited to try your workouts. I have heard such great things about your workouts.:)
Thank you lindzebird. That is so helpful. How long have you been working out to Cathe's routines?:)
I'm actually pretty new to Cathe too...discovered her about a year ago, but only actually purchased some DVDs not too long ago. I had to save up...if you decide to do the rotation I would love to hear updates. I just love the fact that Cathe is so down to earth and accomidating to her fans.

Good Luck!

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