Cathe, I miss you...


I fell down our porch steps on x-mas eve because of ice and I have a compression fracture of the spine. It is now Saturday and I am getting around better. I honestly feel I would be in worse shape if not for doing your DVDs. I can't work out for a few weeks:( but I get my Cathe fix on Fitv. I guess I won't be doin barbell squats for a while... Till we meet again...Kay
Oh My Goodness, I'm so sorry to hear this Gettingfitmom! Please take care of yourself. Thankfully it is not any worse than what you have mentioned here but it is still serious and I wish you a full and healthy recovery. Please don't rush back but I will happily be here for you when you are ready. Go easy!!!

I fell down our porch steps on x-mas eve because of ice and I have a compression fracture of the spine. It is now Saturday and I am getting around better. I honestly feel I would be in worse shape if not for doing your DVDs. I can't work out for a few weeks:( but I get my Cathe fix on Fitv. I guess I won't be doin barbell squats for a while... Till we meet again...Kay
Thanks Cathe, went to the dr's. today and she said I'm doing better than expected:) I'm to take it easy for a few weeks, then go for another x-ray. I'll keep you posted. Kay

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