Cathe, I just ordered the whole SHABANG!!!!!!!! Question??????


:D Cathe, I just ordered all 37 DVD's and am so excited! Question: I was glancing at your new fitness line and wondered if you will be using either the kettle balls or core board in future workouts? Also, will these accessories be available to be purchased at stores or only on your site? Hope your trip was a success! Thanks dear!
I don’t know if you will see Kettlebells, but many of the accessories you see will be used in the STS filming or in future workouts. All of the products you see will be available nationwide in stores and on our website.
RE: Cathe, I just ordered the whole SHABANG!!!!!!!! Que...

>SNM, are you able to elaborate on which stores the products
>will be available in??

Will DVD's be available at stores as well? Or, are you planning to have only the new fitness line in stores?

thank you!
It is a little too early to tell which stores will carry the product line. The purpose of the Dallas, Texas meeting was to energize, educate and introduce to the Altus sales force of 30 people the new Cathe fitness line. They will now start to contact the buyers in the regions they represent. The national sales reps that handle the big box stores started about one month ago, but this is a several step process that is ongoing now.
RE: Cathe, I just ordered the whole SHABANG!!!!!!!! Que...

The buyers for fitness DVDs are totally separate from the buyers for fitness equipment. I’m sure one day you will see our DVD products in stores, but we want to wait until we feel the deal and the time is right... and we just don’t feel that time is now.
>It is a little too early to tell which stores will carry the
>product line. The purpose of the Dallas, Texas meeting was to
>energize, educate and introduce to the Altus sales force of 30
>people the new Cathe fitness line. They will now start to
>contact the buyers in the regions they represent. The national
>sales reps that handle the big box stores started about one
>month ago, but this is a several step process that is ongoing


I'm so excited to see all of the new fun products that you'll be coming out with! I want them all!

On the kettlebell section, it says that it comes with a Cathe DVD. Is this a new DVD that Cathe has made to use the kettlebell?

Also, the blog mentions that the Altus products will be available on Do you know how soon that will be?

:) Thanks for the info SNM, Chris! I am so excited for Cathe and company! Could you elaborate on the last poster's post as to what DVD' comes with the kettleball? I am assuming it will be a future DVD, if all goes as planned!

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