Cathe, I just had to tell you


that I did the PS CST today(from what I taped off of t.v.) and boy, even though it was only a small taste of that tape, I'm DEFINATELY going to get these tapes!! Even that little bit had my muscles a quiverin'! I taped IMAX today also, and I'm going to do that tonight. I know it's just a little, but I just can't help it! Anyway, I just had to tell you that I'm soo glad I did tape it because I am just throughly impressed!! Thank You so much for making such quality tapes"-)!
Hi Aimee!

Are you still alive after Imax last night
? Glad you are enjoying the tapes!
I can't remember the last time I sweated so much

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-00 AT 11:07AM (EST)</font></center>

in such little time! It was only 3 intervals, but the sweat was pouring off of me
! I LOVED IT!!! This is a must have also! I'm taping Step Works on Thurs., so I'll let you know about that one too! I think you are going to make me go broke! Just kidding! Anyway, I truly do love what I've seen of both CST&IMAX and I'm sure the others will be top quality also. Thanks again, Cathe!
Hi Aimee

Just wanted you to know that I purchased the PS series 3 weeks ago, and I am loving all 3 of them. PS legs is probably my favorite, even though it's the hardest. I hope you get to buy the PS series soon. By any chance, do you have MIC? Just wondering if you had any trouble learning the choreography in it? I can do the hi/lo, but am having a terrible time learning the step portion. I can do the choreography in the wedding video, and Step Jam and Mega Step Blast, but can't seem to get MIC step. I think MIC has the best music of any Cathe video, so it is irritating to me that I can't get the steps to my favorite video. Also, did you have an easy or difficult time learning the steps to Imax? I'm so tempted to call and order Imax, just too make the wait for Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks a little easier! I didn't order the Crosstrain Express because I had to decide between PS series and Crosstrain (financially). Will probably ask for Crosstrain for a Christmas present from hubbie.
Take Care!
Hi Lisa!!

Unfortunately, I don't have MIC,but I want it
! As for IMAX,what I did wasn't hard to pick up at all. In fact, Cathe says in the begining that the moves are pretty basic(basic for Cathe that is, you'll still have uneven lounges and 1\4 hop turns and all that stuff). I really loved it. Can I make a suggestion on MIC? I don't know what step height you're using,but try dropping it down to 4-6". I doubt your heart rate will drop too much with her intensity
! How is PS BBA? Are you seeing great results with these tapes? Tell you what, you ask your hubbie for Cross-Train for X-Mas and I'll ask mine for the PS Series for my B-Day or X-Mas (whichever one he'll do)! Then we'll compare notes
Hi Aimee!

I have only been doing PS series for 3 weeks, but yes, I believe that I am seeing results already. I guess it's possible that I am simply imagining it, but I believe my arms are already firmer. More than anything though, I feel stronger and I know that is not my imagination. I was doing the wedding strength portion before PS, and Cathe does say in a post (somewhere) that if you are already doing strength when you begin the PS series, that it is possible to see results in 3 - 4 weeks. My rear end definitely feels more "uplifted", and my inner thighs feel firmer. My pants are already fitting better in the waist also.

And yes, we will have to exchange notes after we both get our new tapes.
Take care.

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