Cathe I have a question about interval max?



I just order interval max (Im real excited about trying it) but I also do reebok's intense moves once a week.
Im not sure if they are similar workouts at all but intense moves has 10 cycles. If this is the case should I only do interval max once a week also. That way I can get in 2 interval workouts a week.

Thank you in advance
Hi Ange!

Yes, I would only suggest doing Interval Max once per week, especially since you are also doing another interval workout within the same week. Doing two interval workouts per week is very demanding on the body and, therefore, I would strongly listen to your body through the course of the week. If it starts feeling lethargic and lacking the umph for the second interval workout, you may want to cut back to just one interval workout per week. Be cautious and enjoy your workouts
Thanks Cathe

Cathe you are just FAB. Thanks again for your input.


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