Back RX
Hi Kay! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Well let's see, it is now about 9 days into your week-to-two-week time frame of not lifting over 10 pounds. Since we are right in the middle of that time frame the question is "how is your back feeling today?" If you feel 10 pounds is a very doable weight to handle now, you probably can. But if you are having doubts, then you are probably not ready.
For all overhead lifting exercises as well as with any exercise that involve your injured area directly, use no weight whatsoever and test the movement by going through the motion (after a 7 minute warm up with extra back stretching at the end of the warm up phase). If you feel no tightness or pulling then add weight in 3 pound increments (or less weight depending on the exercise and strength of the body part being used). Meaning try a few reps with three pounds, if that was super easy, then add 3 or less more pounds, etc.
Once you feel your back is pretty much 100% again and you are not noticing it to feel any differently than any other body part when lifting, you can resume your normal exercising
of course only after your doctors full clearance that the compression fracture is healed.
Since this all happened on Christmas Eve you are probably somewhat deconditioned and should ease into your program as a whole. Do all your weight training at about 30% less than your usual weight for your first few workouts and then you will notice how quickly your muscle memory kicks in and gets you right back to your normal weight.
For cardio, avoid jumping or jarring impact activities (unless doctor approves them) until your back gets stronger. Instead use non-weight bearing activities such as biking and swimming. Maybe even the eliptical unit since this is considered gentle weight bearing. Once you have the approval for weight bearing activities, gradually put impact back into your workouts to maintain bone mass. Walking, light running, step workouts, etc.
Aim for 4 to 5 days of cardio for 30 minutes a day. Also, weight train all of your major muscles one to two times per week.
Eat a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium to support the healing of your fracture.
Good Luck!
Cathe, I talked to my Dr. and she gave me the ok to exercise again. She just said to take it easy, ease into it and not to lift over 10 lbs. for a week or two. That's it. So...if you can help me ease back in, I'd really appreciate it. I just want to thank you ahaed of time for being so generous w/ your knowledge and your time. You have definitly made a difference in my life. THANK YOU CATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kay