Cathe, how to up strength on weak side?


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

First, just wanted to say I have fallen in love with your workouts! I have collected 32 of yours in the last 6 months (my DH says I get no Christmas presents this year because of you, LOL. Don't worry, I'll change that!). I love your energy and the athletic style of teaching. I have seen great results and am totally addicted! I read your forum everyday but am a little shy to post very often. But here is goes........

The left side of my upper body (shoulders and arms)is significantly weaker than my right (due to my kind of work, I think). It's actually bigger than my right side but I guess that is because it has to work harder to keep up. I notice it especially with lying extensions (like in S&H, triceps). I can use an 8lb dumbbell for the first set but have to go down to 5lb for the second and third (without a spotter). My right side is not getting worked enough and my left side is tired far too early. Do you have any tips for me in increasing strength on my weak side? Should I be doing another set for that side of the body? I don't want my left side to get any bigger as the size difference is noticeable so I'm worried about working it more, but if that is what it takes to catch up to my strong side, I'm game. Please let me know your advise (as well as others. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem :) )

Thanks Cathe,
Hi Valerie! You are right, you are not the only one with this problem :). In fact, this question comes up frequently. Here is the advise I gave to another poster. It is the same advise I have for you. Good Luck!

>>>>>>It is normal to have a dominant side. For some it is possible to equal out the strength in both arms, but for others it may never happen. This can be due to reasons such as a previous injury or an impaired ligament attachment, just to name a couple.

If you would like to attempt to even out your arm strength, you have the option of either cutting back on the stronger side to match that of the weaker side or work at making the weaker side stronger.

If you have decided upon making the weaker side stronger, it is best to attempt this with dumbells over barbells, since you can work your arms independently with dumbells.

There is no exact method to make the one side stronger. Here are some suggestions: Try a different way each time you workout.

1) Do the same arm exercise for each side but use about a two pound heavier weight in the weaker arm(getting out as many reps as you safely can).
2) Use the same weight in the weaker arm but do an extra set for each exercise on the weaker side.
3) Do one additional bonus set for the weaker side by focusing on the negative portion of the movement. I suggest one set of 8 reps. Each rep you will spend 2 counts on the positive portion of the movement and 6 counts on the negative. That means for bicep curls go up 2 counts down 6 counts. For arnold presses go up 2 counts, down 6 counts. For kickbacks go up 2 counts down 6 counts.

As I said, sometimes these efforts work and other times (for some reason)the body just "prefers" to have a dominant side.
Good Luck!

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