Cathe: how should I do Meso 3?


Hi Cathe,

I'm just starting my 2nd rest week of the 6.5 month STS rotation. This is not the first time I've done STS, but it's the first time I've done the 6.5 month version. I'm really, really liking it like this. Repeating each week has allowed a nice progression, and I'm not feeling compromised in my joints or muscles. The repeat week of each mesocycle always feels better than the first one.

Now that Meso 3 is on the horizon, I'm trying to decide how to do it. I vaguely recall that you put out a rotation where we did Mesos 1 and 2 for 8 weeks each (repeating each week as I did), then with Meso 3 we are to only do each week once, for 4 weeks total. Can you please confirm that? And if so, why? I understand how the mesocycle works: each week we go a bit heavier with fewer reps. If I repeat each week, am I understimulating the muscles? Is Meso 3 more effective with faster progression?

One idea I had was to do Meso 3 like this:
Wk 1
Wk 2 (5% higher)
Wk 3 (5% higher than Wk 2)
Wk 4 (5% higher than Wk 1)
Wk 1 again (5% higher than the first Wk 1)
Wk 2 (5% higher again)
Wk 3 (5% higher again)
Wk 4 (5% higher than the second Wk 10% higher than the first Wk 1).

In this way it becomes a bit like a double wave load, no?

What do you think? What's the best way to do Meso 3?

Thanks!!! I'm loving the results of this round of STS!!! I plan to really clean up my eating for this last meso and see what comes of it.


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