Cathe - how much cardio?


Cathe - I'm struggling with that last, stubborn 7-10 lbs. after losing 50. I've maintained my loss for two years (thanks in large part to your workouts). I lift weights at least 3 times per week. How much cardio do you recommend for fat loss? Is it better to do alternating days of lifting and cardio or 30 mins. each per day (if you only have an hour to workout?) I know I have to eat clean and I'm doing that - most of the time :) Can you give me a general idea of how much cardio you do per week? thanks, Julia
Hi Julia! Congrats on losing 50 pounds. That's wonderful.

As far as the last 7 to 10, well they are the stubborn ones that always resist change x( . The closer we get to our desired healthy body weight, the harder it is to lose those last few pounds.

First, as you already mentioned, is clean eating. This plays a huge role when we get down to the nitty gritty.

Second, is shocking your body with a new exercise routine that it is not used to so that your body is forced to adapt to a new form of activity.

Third, leaving your comfort zone. This falls along the same lines as shocking your body with a new form of exercise, but leaving your comfort zone can also be done by simply increasing your intensity or changing your exercise order.

You said you lift weights three times per day. Well, lets change that because your body is too used to that and lifting weights plays a huge role in losing body fat. So now lets lift weights two times per week and do total body workouts. Not forever, but just for now to make a change.

Then lets do cardio on the other days. We'll do cardio 4 times per week for 45 minutes and all different types. Try step aerobics, kickboxing, running, and biking (or another one that differs from those mentioned). After each cardio workout do 5 to 7 minutes of core work and stretch.

That should stimulate a change. Good luck!
Cathe - thanks for the response! I'll do exactly as you suggest and see what happens. I'm really looking forward to your new workouts!

Great question, I have been fighting the last 10 pounds for a while now and I starting doing some of what Cathe suggested, but now with her reply I know where to fine tune.
Good Luck to you!!
aka Kitty Mama
Cathe - I just wanted to let you know that after a week of following your suggestions (and clean eating, of course;-) ) I'm down 2 lbs!:7

Thanks again for the great advice. I'm doing the same rotation next week. After that I may go back to 1-2 body parts per day lifting followed by 30-45 mins. of cardio, just to keep my body guessing. What do you think of that plan?


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