Cathe hope you can help. Working out lots & Gaining We...


Dear Cathe,
I just started out in fitness instructing this past May and am having so much fun!!! I have discovered you show on fit TV and love it. I tivo it everyday. I have a bit of a problem lately though. Since I have started working out more often ( I teach 4-6 toning clases a week similiar to what you do on Cardio Blast only each class is about an hour with the first 15 min being cardio the rest weights working equally on upper, lower body and abs ). Anyway I have sustained a weight loss of over 150 lbs. for many years now. Ten years ago or so I weighed 268 lbs. I have been a size 4 though now for about five years. Weight is around 120. I barely ever weigh myself. Our clothes seem to always tell. I did not work out regulary unitl just before I started teaching. I am never on a diet, I keep my weight off strictly through portion control. Eating only when I am physiologically hungry and only untill satisified not full. Anyway in the last few months things aren't fitting quite right. It seems my behind and thighs are bigger. It does not look good to me in clothes. I have changed nothing about how I eat. Why am I seeming to gain weight? I was wondering if you might have some insight. It is really discouraging, because I love to work out. Most people I would think lose or just tone. This happened to me one other time and I stopped working out and the weight seemed to come down. It's probalby just a few pounds but to someone who is 5/4 and around 120 it shows. Thanks so much for reading this long post. I love watching you !!
Thanks for all you do,
I'm not Cathe, but you may want to also post your question on the "open forum". There are tons of really knowledgable people who can give you some sound advice. They may want some more info from you however. If you can include what you eat on a daily basis and how intensely you are working out that would help.

Thanks Carolyn I'll try that!

>I'm not Cathe, but you may want to also post your question on
>the "open forum". There are tons of really knowledgable people
>who can give you some sound advice. They may want some more
>info from you however. If you can include what you eat on a
>daily basis and how intensely you are working out that would

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