Cathe, help me out please! : )



Hi Cathe:

I wanted to ask you what you think of using a pryamid system for weight lifting? I was using a system had me doing reps in the following order with a minute rest between sets and increasing the weight after each set of 12/10/8/6 and then droppping the weight and doing another set of 12 and then immediately following that set with another set of 12 reps selecting a different exercise for the same body part. You then move onto the next body part, so you do not spend much time per part. I was doing two upperbody workout one week and one lower body and then reversing it the

Here's what happened, I BULKED up in a major way and I felt like I was not getting any shape to my muscles. This was especially true in my lower body and I was going very heavy (for me). My jeans are all too tight in the butt and trust me, this is NOT a good thing.

I DID increase my strength and that part I liked. My question is, do you think doing one pyramid type workout and one session of MIS would add the shape I want? I would like size and shape but not "bulk". Do you think it is obvious my lower body just does not respond well to heavy lifting in this style and I should stick to endurance?

I went from being able to use 50 pounds for ALL the barbell work in PS Legs to using 60 pounds no problem. I never thought I'd be able to get that much over my head without a spot. This routine had me decreasing my cardio workouts, which I think, for me at least, is a bad thing.

Thanks for whatever advice you have to offer!! I gotta get this booty back in my jeans in time for the trip in October!!!

Tammy Churchman
Hi Tammy!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-00 AT 05:16PM (EST)</font></center>

Nice to hear from you.

I don't know how long you have been using the pyramid system, but if it has been under three weeks, the bulk that you are experiencing could be related to the repairing process of your muscles. When you lift very heavy, you get little micro tears in your muscle tissue(thats normal). Part of the healing process is slight water retention in the muscles. This will eventually lessen with time. Perhaps this is what you are noticing. However, if it has been a while and you still feel very bulky, then I would suggest cutting back to doing this pyramid lifting once a week. The second workout for the week should focus on endurance to help prevent any more size from developing. MIS, as you mentioned, would be good for this(using medium weight). If that doesn't seem to do the trick, you may have to do continuous cycles of two weeks of all hi-rep, lighter weight, endurance lifting, followed by one week of this heavy pyramid lifting. And if that doesn't work, you'll just need to continue experimenting to see which combination helps keep the strength but doesn't make you bulk. Keep in mind too that outside of finding that right formula to give you the results you want, other factors that will greatly effect your results are the foods you eat and your genetics. Good Luck and happy experimenting!

I'm looking forward to seeing you in October

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