Cathe Fitness magazine?


:D Hi Cathe! I hope you can help me. I am trying to get back issues of the Fitness magazine you were featured on. I believe the issue was from the summer of 1998. Do you know the month? I need to add this to my growing "Cathe" collection. Any help would be appreciated if anyone knows the month and year. Also, if you need extra copies I would gladly order them for you! Thanks!;-)
I'm not certain if this is what you are looking for, but go to the Home page, scroll down until you get to the About Cathe section, under that photo click on News. It lists magazines she is featured in; which include 1998.

Susan C.M.
:) Yes, I saw the articles Cathe was in on "Cathe in the news". It states she was on the cover of Fitness magazine in the summer of 1998 and I need to know what month so I can order the back issue directly from Fitness magazine. Thanks!:D
Hi, intensitylisa, does the Fitness website have an e-mail option to a customer service rep? Maybe you could call or write them about it, especially since you want to order a back copy from them.

Another alternative is to check your library and see if they sell back issues. A poster on another forum was able buy some Shape mags from 1989 and 1990 for $1 a piece and send them to me.

Hope this helps.
:) I was able to get a hold of Cathe at her e-mail and she said as far as she knew she hasn't been on Fitness magazine. Am I losing my mind? When I went to her class this summer, there were posters in her gym and I swore there was one from Fitness magazine with her on the cover from the MIS, MIC series. I did get a hold of Fitness magazine and they do not have such an issue. Also, in the Cathe in the news section there is a notation about her being on the cover of Home, Health and Fitness with a 5 page spread about her. Maybe this is the magazine I am thinking of. I wonder if Cathe, SNM or someone could tell me what this is about. Thank you!:D
That is the magazine you're thinking of (Home, Health and Fitness) not Fitness. I actually had had a copy of that at the time.
TO: Runcrazy!

:D The magazine you had, was it a black cover from the maximum intensity cardio cover? If so, I will try to get a hold of them and see if I can order a back issue. PLMK. Thanks!:D
RE: TO: Runcrazy!

Yes. I have it packed away as we were going to move so I can't give you all the exact information, but yes it was black with the MIC cover and the whole magazine was just a few pages.
Hi Lisa! Yes, it is Home, Health and Fitness that is hanging up in the aerobic room at the gym. This magazine had the word Fitness typed in much larger print then the other two words so at a quick glance you could mistake it for "Fitness" Magazine. Take Care:)
:) Hi all! Question, is the Home, Health and Fitness magazine still published? I looked for it under the internet and I can not find anything about them. Also, I have never seen this magazine on the newstand and I am always checking out fitness magazines. I wonder if the magazine exists anymore? Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks:D

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