Cathe DVDs: No DVD shown for Today or this Month


I've just started using this website, so maybe I'm missing something obvious.

When I use FireFox web browser, nothing is shown in the "Today, I'm doing" and "This Month, I've Done" areas of the Cathe DVDs tab.

If I use Internet Explorer, I get the dreaded red x instead of pictures. For "This Month, I've done" i get at least 5 x's, but I've only recorded one workout as complete, so shouldn't it be one?

Any suggestions? Anybody else having this issue?

Thanks for your suggestions?
Yeah, I get the red Xs too. I don't think they've linked the "Cathe DVD" section or the "Stats" section to the Rotations.

However, if I manually enter in the DVD into the calendar (as opposed to entering it via "Rotations"), the DVDs show up in "Cathe" and "Stats."

They no doubt have plenty of bugs to work out. In fact, I just discovered that I can't delete a workout after I've manually entered in into my calendar (either that, or I'm missing something).

They'll probably get to linking it all eventually.
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Thanks! I tried entering it in manually and it showed up in the Cathe DVDs tab. However, the calories are still not registering. I entered in my walk today and the calories did not register for that either. I wonder why they are working for some but not for others.

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